Chelone is an interpreter for a subset of the Logo programming language (mostly the turtle parts) implemented in chevrotain.
npm install
- Example:
npm run turtle -- -P "to spiral :length if :length > 300 [stop] forward :length right 10 spiral :length * 1.05 end spiral 1" -O output.svg
- If run without options (
npm run turtle
), will output a demo image toturtle.svg
- If run without options (
If you're not familiar with Logo or turtle graphics, check out the Logo Foundation's Logo Primer.
)forward <amount>
)backward <amount>
)right <degrees>
)left <degrees>
setxy <x> <y>
(relative to the origin)
repeat <count> [<statements>]
to <procedure> :<inputA> :<inputB> :<inputC> <statements> end
make "<variable> <value>
if <valueA> = <valueB> [<statements>]
in arepeat
to end executionoutput
in aprocedure
to return a value
, unary-
random <max>
(random integer from 0 to max exclusive)
In Greek myth, Chelone was a nymph who was turned into a tortoise because she didn't RSVP to Zeus and Hera's wedding.