adds force to a unit and sets damage to 1 afterwards.
params [
["_target", objNull, [objNull] ],
["_dir", "RND", [0,""] ],
["_mag", 300, [0] ],
["_rndVal", 90, [0] ],
["_offset", [0,0,1.5], [[]], [3] ]
// to be used in the units init file
[this] call cvo_common_fnc_executeUnit;
[_unit, 0, 300] call cvo_common_fnc_executeUnit;
Adds an Ace Interaction to a vehicle class so players can perform a fullheal with a progressbar (30s) on said vehicle.
Dependency: ACE, CBA
0: <_target> can be one of:
<Object> - Individual Object to add the Full Heal ACE Action
<String of classname> - Entire Class to add the Full Heal ACE Action
1: <_duration> <Number in secounds> <Optional> <Default: 30> - Duration of the Healing Process
2: <_chance> <Number 0..100> <Optional> <Default: 5> - Defines the chance for the Easeregg sound - 0 disables the Easteregg
Returns False when <_target> is not defined.
[ourMedicalVehicleObject] call CVO_Others_fnc_fullHeal; // Adds Full Health Check on a single object
["mod_vehicle_medical_classname", 30, 0] call CVO_Others_fnc_fullHeal; // Adds Full Health Check on all objects of this classname and disables the easteregg