Creates an Ace Interaction on an object. The object needs to be near a set of editor objects inside a layer with a certain name. When the action is being executed, it simulates the building of "something", by unhiding the objects in the defined layer - one after another - based on bbjects ASL from lowest to highest object. Multiple people can work together and build things faster.
Creates an ACE Interaction on an individual Object or Objects of a certain Classname. When Action is being executed, an AmmoCrate with customizable Content is being spawned.
- Supports Different Roles
- Auto Assigns Medic and Engineer Roles based on ACE Traits
- Supports Steam64 IDs
Modifies and enhances BI's dynamic groups system.
- removes unconscious and dead icons from player list in group menu
- removes randomized insignia on group creation
- adds insignia selection menu to group menu (click on insignia symbol)