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2024-11-07 add autonomous baseline
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OviedoRobotics committed Nov 8, 2024
1 parent 3497a4a commit a84f640
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Showing 6 changed files with 2,345 additions and 4 deletions.
1,290 changes: 1,290 additions & 0 deletions TeamCode/src/main/java/org/firstinspires/ftc/teamcode/

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@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
/* FTC Team 7572 - Version 1.0 (11/07/2024)
package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode;

import android.util.Size;

import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.Autonomous;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.Disabled;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.util.ElapsedTime;

* This program implements robot movement based on Gyro heading and encoder counts.
* It uses the Mecanumbot hardware class to define the drive on the robot.
* The code is structured as a LinearOpMode and requires:
* a) Drive motors with encoders
* b) Encoder cables
* c) Rev Robotics I2C IMU with name "imu"
* d) Drive Motors have been configured such that a positive power command moves forward,
* and causes the encoders to count UP.
* e) The robot must be stationary when the INIT button is pressed, to allow gyro calibration.
* This code uses the RUN_TO_POSITION mode to enable the Motor controllers to generate the run profile
* Note: in this example, all angles are referenced to the initial coordinate frame set during the
* the Gyro Calibration process, or whenever the program issues a resetZAxisIntegrator() call on the Gyro.
* The angle of movement/rotation is assumed to be a standardized rotation around the robot Z axis,
* which means that a Positive rotation is Counter Clock Wise, looking down on the field.
* This is consistent with the FTC field coordinate conventions set out in the document:
* ftc_app\doc\tutorial\FTC_FieldCoordinateSystemDefinition.pdf
@Autonomous(name="Autonomous Left-Red", group="7592", preselectTeleOp = "Teleop-Red")
public class AutonomousLeftRed extends AutonomousBase {

// These constants define the desired driving/control characteristics
// The can/should be tweaked to suite the specific robot drivetrain.
static final boolean DRIVE_Y = true; // Drive forward/backward
static final boolean DRIVE_X = false; // Drive right/left (not DRIVE_Y)

public void runOpMode() throws InterruptedException {

telemetry.addData("State", "Initializing (please wait)");

// Initialize robot hardware

// Initialize webcams using OpenCV
telemetry.addData("State", "Initializing (please wait)");

// Wait for the game to start (driver presses PLAY). While waiting, poll for options
parkLocation = PARK_NONE; // no parking, observation zone CORNER, observation zone TRIANGLE or Submersible
while (!isStarted()) {
// Check for operator input that changes Autonomous options
// Do we need to change any of the other autonomous options?
// Pause briefly before looping
} // !isStarted

// Ensure any movement during robot setup is reset to zero
// setGlobalCoordinatePosition(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// setCorrectedGlobalCoordinatePosition(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

// Start the autonomous timer so we know how much time is remaining for cone cycling

// Only do these steps if we didn't hit STOP
if( opModeIsActive() ) {
// pixelNumber = 0;
// createAutoStorageFolder(redAlliance, pipelineBack.leftSide);
// pipelineBack.setStorageFolder(storageDir);
// spikeMark = pipelineBack.spikeMark;
// pipelineBack.saveSpikeMarkAutoImage();

// UNIT TEST: The following methods verify our basic robot actions.
// Comment them out when not being tested.
// testGyroDrive();
// unitTestOdometryDrive();

// AUTONOMOUS ROUTINE: The following method is our main autonomous.
// Comment it out if running one of the unit tests above.

telemetry.addData("Program", "Complete");

} /* runOpMode() */

// TEST CODE: Verify gyro/encoder-based motion functions against a tape measure
private void testGyroDrive() {
double startAngle;
gyroDrive(DRIVE_SPEED_50, DRIVE_Y, 24.0, 999.9, DRIVE_THRU ); // Drive FWD 24" along current heading
gyroDrive(DRIVE_SPEED_50, DRIVE_X, 24.0, 999.9, DRIVE_THRU ); // Strafe RIGHT 24" along current heading
gyroDrive(DRIVE_SPEED_50, DRIVE_Y, -24.0, 999.9, DRIVE_THRU);
gyroDrive(DRIVE_SPEED_50, DRIVE_X, -24.0, 999.9, DRIVE_THRU);
// What is our starting angle?
startAngle = getAngle();
gyroTurn(TURN_SPEED_80, (startAngle + 120.0) ); // Turn CW 120 degrees
gyroTurn(TURN_SPEED_80, (startAngle + 240.0) ); // Turn another 120 degrees (240 total)
gyroTurn(TURN_SPEED_80, startAngle ); // Turn back to starting angle (360 total)
} // testGyroDrive

// TEST CODE: Verify odometry-based motion functions against a tape measure
private void unitTestOdometryDrive() {
// Drive forward 12"
driveToPosition( 12.0, 0.0, 0.0, DRIVE_SPEED_50, TURN_SPEED_40, DRIVE_THRU );
// Strafe right 12"
driveToPosition( 12.0, 12.0, 0.0, DRIVE_SPEED_50, TURN_SPEED_40, DRIVE_THRU );
// Turn 180 deg
driveToPosition( 12.0, 12.0, 179.9, DRIVE_SPEED_50, TURN_SPEED_40, DRIVE_TO );
} // unitTestOdometryDrive

private void mainAutonomous() {
double pos_y=0, pos_x=0, pos_angle=-90.0;
int backdropAprilTagID = 2; // default to BLUE CENTER
// Do we start with an initial delay?
if( startDelaySec > 0 ) {
sleep( startDelaySec * 1000 );
// Drive forward to spike mark
if( opModeIsActive() ) {
telemetry.addData("Motion", "Move to Spike Mark");
// This movement depends on whether it's left/center/right spike (1/2/3)
switch( spikemark ) {
case 3 : // RIGHT
driveToPosition( -10.0, 0.0, 0.0, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_THRU );
driveToPosition( -12.5, -0.5, -67.0, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_THRU );
driveToPosition( -15.0, -1.0, -135.0, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_THRU );
driveToPosition( -25.4, -11.0, -135.0, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_THRU);
driveToPosition( -23.0, -9.5, -143.0, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_TO);
case 2: // CENTER
driveToPosition( -10.0, 3.0, 0.0, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_THRU );
driveToPosition( -37.0, 6.0, -90.0, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_TO);
case 1: // LEFT
driveToPosition( -9.0, 0.0, 0.0, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_THRU );
driveToPosition( -16.0, 0.0, 90.0, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_THRU );
driveToPosition( -30.0, 0.0, 90.0, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_THRU);
driveToPosition( -25.0, 4.0, 160.0, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_TO);
} // switch
// Eject purple pixel
if( opModeIsActive()) {
telemetry.addData("Skill", "eject purple pixel");
// Back straight up for 0.85 sec to drop purple pixel on the spike mark line
timeDriveStraight( -0.20, 850 );
// Navigate back to channel 1 (avoid alliance partner's pixel in channel 2)
if( opModeIsActive() ) {
telemetry.addData("Motion", "navigate to channel 1");
switch( spikemark ) {
case 3 : // RIGHT
driveToPosition( -20.0, -4.0, -150.0, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_THRU );
driveToPosition( -19.0, -1.0, -150.0, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_THRU );
driveToPosition( -15.0, -1.0, -178.0, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_THRU );
driveToPosition( -13.0, -1.0, 175.0, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_THRU );
driveToPosition( -8.0, -3.0, 160.0, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_THRU );
driveToPosition( -6.0, -6.0, 140.0, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_THRU);
driveToPosition( -4.0, -20.0, 90.0, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_TO);
pos_y = -4.0;
case 2: // CENTER
driveToPosition( -30.0, 12.0, -90.0, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_THRU);
driveToPosition( -20.0, 8.0, -90.0, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_THRU);
driveToPosition( -8.0, 1.0, 45.0, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_THRU);
driveToPosition( -1.0, -20.0, 90.0, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_TO);
pos_y = -1.0;
case 1: // LEFT
driveToPosition( -12.0, 4.0, 150.0, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_THRU);
driveToPosition( -4.0, 2.0, 135.0, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_THRU);
driveToPosition( -1.0, -20.0, 90.0, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_TO);
pos_y = -1.0;
} // switch
// Do we pause here under the truss?
if( trussDelaySec > 0 ) {
sleep( trussDelaySec * 1000 );
} // opModeIsActive
// Drive into back stage area
if( opModeIsActive() ) {
telemetry.addData("Motion", "Drive into back stage");
if( audienceYellow || (parkLocation != PARK_NONE) ) {
driveToPosition( pos_y-1, -60.0, 90.0, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_THRU);
driveToPosition( pos_y-2, -70.0, 90.0, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_THRU);
} else {
// no yellow pixel and PARK_NONE means do nothing
} // opModeIsActive
// Align to backdrop to score yellow pixel?
if( opModeIsActive() && audienceYellow ) {
telemetry.addData("Motion", "Align to backdrop");
switch( spikemark ) {
// TODO: Audience side not repeatable enough to for 3" accuracy (odometry depends on starting alignment!)
// Once AprilTag navigation correction in place, then refine these numbers
case 1 : pos_y -= ((yellowOnLeft)? 27.0:27.0); pos_x = -84.0; break; // LEFT
case 2: pos_y -= ((yellowOnLeft)? 23.0:23.0); pos_x = -84.0; break; // CENTER
case 3: pos_y -= ((yellowOnLeft)? 22.0:22.0); pos_x = -84.0; break; // RIGHT
default: pos_y -= ((yellowOnLeft)? 23.0:23.0); pos_x = -84.0; break; // (CENTER)
} // switch
pos_angle = 90.0; // same for all 3 positions
driveToPosition( pos_y, pos_x, pos_angle, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_THRU);
pos_x -= 6.0; // we're roughly aligned; drive closer;
driveToPosition( pos_y, pos_x, pos_angle, DRIVE_SPEED_20, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_TO);
} // opModeIsActive
// Score yellow pixel
if( opModeIsActive() && audienceYellow ) {
double desiredDistanceCM;
double currentDistanceCM;
double driveOffsetInches;
telemetry.addData("Motion", "Score yellow pixel");
switch( spikemark ) {
case 3 : desiredDistanceCM = 13.0; break; // RIGHT
case 2: desiredDistanceCM = 12.0; break; // CENTER
case 1:
default: desiredDistanceCM = 12.0; break; // LEFT
} // switch
currentDistanceCM = 6; // robot.getBackdropRange();
driveOffsetInches = (desiredDistanceCM-currentDistanceCM)/2.54;
// telemetry.addData("Backdrop Range", "%.1f CM", currentDistanceCM);
// telemetry.addData("Drive Offset", "%.1f IN", driveOffsetInches);
// telemetry.update();
// sleep(3000);
if( Math.abs(driveOffsetInches) < 7.0 ) {
pos_x += driveOffsetInches;
driveToPosition( pos_y, pos_x, pos_angle, DRIVE_SPEED_20, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_TO);
} // opModeIsActive
// Park in back stage
if( opModeIsActive() && (parkLocation != PARK_NONE) ) { // Either PARK_LEFT or PARK_RIGHT does the same thing
telemetry.addData("Motion", "park in back stage");
// Are we parking from the backdrop or not?
if( audienceYellow) {
// Just back away from backdrop a bit
driveToPosition( pos_y, pos_x+2, pos_angle, DRIVE_SPEED_20, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_TO);
else { // just finish the drive from the truss
driveToPosition( pos_y-1, -85.0, 90.0, DRIVE_SPEED_30, TURN_SPEED_20, DRIVE_TO);
} // opModeIsActive
} // mainAutonomous

} /* AutonomousLeftRed */
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Expand Up @@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ public class Hardware2025Bot
final public static double ELBOW_SERVO_INIT_ANGLE = 229.0;
final public static double ELBOW_SERVO_SAFE = 0.370; // Safe orientation for driving
final public static double ELBOW_SERVO_SAFE_ANGLE = 224.0;
final public static double ELBOW_SERVO_GRAB = 0.330; // For collecting off the field
final public static double ELBOW_SERVO_GRAB_ANGLE = 234.0;
final public static double ELBOW_SERVO_GRAB = 0.340; // For collecting off the field
final public static double ELBOW_SERVO_GRAB_ANGLE = 231.0;
final public static double ELBOW_SERVO_DROP = 0.330; // For scoring in the basket
final public static double ELBOW_SERVO_DROP_ANGLE = 234.0;
final public static double ELBOW_SERVO_BAR = 0.650; // For scoring a specimen on the sumersible bar
Expand All @@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ public class Hardware2025Bot
final public static double WRIST_SERVO_INIT_ANGLE = 288.0;
final public static double WRIST_SERVO_SAFE = 0.340; // Safe orientation for driving
final public static double WRIST_SERVO_SAFE_ANGLE = 234.0;
final public static double WRIST_SERVO_GRAB = 0.880;
final public static double WRIST_SERVO_GRAB_ANGLE = 56.0;
final public static double WRIST_SERVO_GRAB = 0.860;
final public static double WRIST_SERVO_GRAB_ANGLE = 67.0;
final public static double WRIST_SERVO_RAISE = 0.570; // Safe orientation for driving
final public static double WRIST_SERVO_RAISE_ANGLE = 157.0;
final public static double WRIST_SERVO_DROP = 0.350;
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