A curated list of Explorable Explanations: resources following the concept of reactive documents and active reading as defined by Bret Victor.
- Math
- Algorithms
- Science
- Physics
- Psychology
- Systems And Thought Experiments
- Creativity
- Other
- About Explorable Explanations
- Tools & Resources
- Books And Essays
- Explained Visually
- Better Explained - Math without endless memorization.
- Euclid: The Game
- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Mandelbrot set
- vf.rohanp.xyz - Interactive demonstration of vector field flow.
- World of Mathematics
- Primer on Bézier Curves
- Math Insight - Copious interactive diagrams and ingenious experiments with digital publishing.
- Circles Sines and Signals - Compact primer on digital signal processing.
- Conditional Probability
- Exploring Histograms
- Humans Suck At Entropy
- Interpreting Confidence Intervals - Interpreting Confidence Intervals.
- Markov Chains
- Ordinary Least Squares Regression
- Principal Component Analysis
- Probdef - Open-source game about probability and inference leading up to Bayes Theorem.
- Seeing Theory - Visual introduction to probability and statistics.
- Simpson's Paradox
- Science Isn't Broken - On scientific method (p-values).
- Years You Have Left to Live, Probably - Great illustration of survival analysis, and of probabalistic proccesses in general.
- Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
- Interactive 2d Matrix
- Immersive Math - Linear algebra book with ully interactive figures.
- Invitation to Another Dimension
- How to Fold a Julia Fractal - Brilliant use of animation to show complex mathematical processes geometrically.
- Trigonometry - Simple interactive trigonometry.
- Sine and Cosine
- The Incredible Proof Machine - Visual approach to propositional logic.
- Compression Decompression - Or, Making Things Smaller: A Visual Introduction.
- Visualizing Algorithms - Visualizing algorithms, by mike bostock.
- visualgo.net - Interactive computer science algorithms and data structures.
- Quicksort - The quicksort algorithm, illustrated with playing cards.
- Second-Order Controls
- How to Use t-SNE Effectively - Visualizing high-dimensional data.
- Promisees - Promise visualization playground for the adventurous.
- Back to the Future of Handwriting Recognition - Active Essay Revisiting the GRAIL Handwriting Recognizer.
- Bloom Filters
- Calculating The Intersection Area of 3+ Circles
- Line-intersection - Responsive parallel representations for the Bentley–Ottmann algorithm.
- Split Packing: An Algorithm for Packing Circles with up to Critical Density
- VisuAlgo
- Coloring Maps - Transforming numbers into colors.
- Interactive Diagrams for Wikipedia
- Visualizing Map Distortion
- Procedural Dungeon Generation: Cellular Automata
- r2d3.us - Visual introduction to machine learning.
- Visual Interactive Guide To The Basics Of Neural Networks
- Neural Networks And Deep Learning - Free online interactive book about Neural Networks and Deep Learning.
- playground.tensorflow.org - Neural network playground.
- Attention and Augmented Recurrent Neural Networks
- Four Experiments in Handwriting with a Neural Network
- Confounding Variables
- Red Blob Games - Visual and interactive ways of explaining math and computer algorithms.
- Introduction To A* – How pathfinding algorithms work, by amit patel.
- Hexagonal Grids - Interactive guide on implementing hexagonal grids.
- Intro To Graph Theory
- Generating Fantasy Maps - Generating fantasy maps, the math behind.
- gamejolt.com - Topology, via asteroids, narrated.
- Interactive Introduction To Quantum Computing
- The Book Of Shaders - Gentle step-by-step guide to fragment shaders.
- What is code?
- Quadtree - Interactive explanation of quadtrees, by jim kang.
- Bitcoin Blockchain - The basics behind decentralized cryptocurrencies like bitcoin.
- ncase.me - Simulating the world (in emoji😘).
- ncase.me - Neurotic neurons, an interactive animation on how exposure therapy works.
- Exploring Emergence - Introduction to cellular automata (from 1996! requires flash).
- internet-atlas.net - Critical atlas of internet.
- Visualizing Projections - Visualizing multiple camera projection techniques.
- Entropy Explained, With Sheep
- Pink Trombone - Hands-On Vocal Tract Simulation.
- Angry Physics
- arogozhnikov.github.io - Hamiltonian monte carlo explained.
- Inside Einstein's head - Explorable explanation of relativistic spacetime, inspired by Albert Einstein's thought experiments.
- Interactive Introduction To Optical Modulation
- Nukemap - Nuclear explosion simulation tool by alex wellerstein.
- PhET Home Page - Interactive math and science simulations, based on extensive education research.
- Physics Simulations - Physics simulations which show how the math is derived.
- The Evolution Of Trust
- Hooked: how slot machines are designed to be addictive.
- How Uber Uses Psychological Tricks to Push Its Drivers’ Buttons
- Complexity Explorables - Collection of interactive explorable explanations of complex systems in many fields.
- Many Tiny Things - Every big thing in the world is made up of many tiny things.
- To Build A Better Ballot - an interactive guide to alternative voting systems
- Parable Of the Polygons - Simulation about segregation and diversity.
- Who’ll Freeze First ? - Puzzle about size and staying warm.
- Joy.js - Make happy little programs.
- Recursive Drawing - Create complex patterns from simple building blocks, by toby schachman.
- Ishkur's Guide To Electronic Music
- Learn Music - Experiment with beats, melody, harmony, basslines, and song structure.
- kevinhayeswilson.com - Redraw state boundaries with 2016 US election data.
- Kern Type - Explorable on kerning in typography.
- How Does Inequality Begin ? - Interactive simulation.
- Virus, The Beauty Of The Beast
- Explorable Explanations
- worrydream.com - Scientific Communication As Sequential Art.
- worrydream.com - Up and down the ladder of abstraction – a systemic approach to interactive visualization.
- worrydream.com - Bret Victor's essay which coined the term "explorable explanations".
- Reinventing Explanation - Prototyping an accessible explanation of simpson's paradox.
- blog.ncase.me - Design patterns for explorable explanations.
- simblob.blogspot.de - Amit patel of red blob games looks back on 5 years of creating interactive explanations.
- Learning By Doing
- Explorabl.es - Hub for learning through play!
- aprt.us - Open-source graphics editor and programming environment for creating interactive diagrams.
- awesome-livecoding - Curated list of live-coding resources.
- Coeffects - Context-aware programming languages.
- DynamicLand - Incubating a humane dynamic medium.
- Flex - YC Research - Interactive programming and solution exploration tools
- GeoGebra - Dynamic mathematics for learning and teaching.
- Human Advancement Research Community - YC Research
- How I Make Explorable Explanations - By Nicky Case.
- Implementing Draggable Handles
- [Improv.js] (http://ncase.me/improv-wip/) - Tool to make explorable explanations.
- Data-driven Web Applications
- Idyll - Tool for making interactive narratives for the web.
- Lively Kernel
- Loopy - Tool for thinking in systems.
- Tangle Js Library for reactive documents.
- [TangleDown] (http://bollwyvl.github.io/TangleDown/)
- Outside the box On SVG and Arrows.
- RedBlobGames - Making Of
- Self-Lang Prototype-based dynamic object-oriented programming language, environment, and virtual machine.
- Mindstorms - "mindstorms: children, computers, and powerful ideas", an influential 1980 book by seymour papert
- Elements of Euclid - oliver byrne's edition of euclid's "elements" uses colored diagrams and symbols instead of letters to proof theorems about math and geometry
- Envisioning Information
- Understanding Comics - "The pedagogical potential of the comic form is vast and mostly untapped" —Bret Victor
- Topological Picturebook
- Dynamics, the Geometry of Behavior
- Proofs without Words
- Relativity Visualized
- The Shape of Space
- Visual Group Theory
- Environment and Economy - Interactive guide to the eco-pragmatist philosophy.
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- Visit the Explorabl.es hub.
- Or join the subreddit on /r/explorables.
To the extent possible under law, Chakib Benziane has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.