template for using the magento 2 - simple protect framework
Notes / Warnings
this implementation is currently in beta stage.Use at own risk! To use this implementation you have to get the magento-2-simple-protect framework.
Find the detailed documentation at: https://docs.payone.com/magento-2
Find more examples at: https://docs.payone.com/examples/magento-2/simple-protect
- create directory:
'app/code/Payone/SimpleProtect' or 'vendor/payone-gmbh/magento-2-simpleProtect'
- copy the source, that you have a structure like this:
└── code
└── Payone
└── SimpleProtect
├── composer.json
├── etc
│ ├── di.xml
│ ├── events.xml
│ └── module.xml
├── Model
│ └── SimpleProtect
│ └── SimpleProtect.php
├── Observer
│ └── OrderPaymentPlaceEnd.php
└── registration.php
- install and activate the plugin
php bin/magento module:enable Payone_SimpleProtect
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento cache:clean
- update / change the code for your needs
method handlePrePaymentSelection
Implementing this method gives the following possibilities:
- Filtering out payment methods based on your own rule set
- Throwing a LocalizedException to send the user back to shipping method selection
@param Quote $oQuote
@param MethodInterface[] $aPaymentMethods
@return MethodInterface[]
public function handlePrePaymentSelection(Quote $oQuote, $aPaymentMethods)
if ($this->isOnlySafePaymentApplicable($oQuote, true) === true) {
return $this->getSafePaymentMethods($aPaymentMethods);
return $aPaymentMethods;
method handlePostPaymentSelection
Implementing this method gives the following possibilities:
- Throwing a LocalizedException will stop the order creation and throw the user back to payment selection with the given thrown message
- Throwing a FilterMethodListException with an array of safe payment methods will stop the order creation and throw the user back to payment selection with the given thrown message and remove all other payment methods except for the given ones
- Finishing the method - so throwing no Exception will finish the order creation
@param Quote $oQuote
@return void
@throws LocalizedException
@throws FilterMethodListException
public function handlePostPaymentSelection(Quote $oQuote)
if ($this->isOnlySafePaymentApplicable($oQuote, false) === true) {
$sMethodCode = $oQuote->getPayment()->getMethodInstance()->getCode();
if (!in_array($sMethodCode, $this->safePaymentMethods)) {
throw new FilterMethodListException(__('Please select another payment method.'), $this->safePaymentMethods);
method handleEnterOrChangeBillingAddress
Implementing this method gives the following possibilities:
- Returning true will just continue the process without changing anything
- Returning a (changed) address object instance of AddressInterface will show an address correction prompt to the customer
- Throwing a LocalizedException will show the given exception message to the customer
@param AddressInterface $oAddressData
@param bool $blIsVirtual
@param double $dTotal
@return AddressInterface|bool
@throws LocalizedException
public function handleEnterOrChangeBillingAddress(AddressInterface $oAddressData, $blIsVirtual, $dTotal)
$response = $this->protectFunnel->executeAddresscheck($oAddressData, $this->getOperationMode(), AddressCheckType::BASIC);
if ($oAddressData->getCity() == "FalscheStadt") {
return $oAddressData;
return true;
method handleEnterOrChangeShippingAddress
Implementing this method gives the following possibilities:
- Returning true will just continue the process without changing anything
- Returning a (changed) address object instance of AddressInterface will show an address correction prompt to the customer
- Throwing a LocalizedException will show the given exception message to the customer
@param AddressInterface $oAddressData
@param bool $blIsVirtual
@param double $dTotal
@return AddressInterface|bool
@throws LocalizedException
public function handleEnterOrChangeShippingAddress(AddressInterface $oAddressData, $blIsVirtual, $dTotal)
$response = $this->protectFunnel->executeAddresscheck($oAddressData, $this->getOperationMode(), AddressCheckType::BASIC);
if ($oAddressData->getCity() == "FalscheStadt") {
return $oAddressData;
return true;