- Java 11
- Android Studio
- google-services.json in app-level folder (Get it by creating account at firebase)
- Populate Google Maps API key in
- Google authentitcation
- User can add photos of items to users inventory with location
- User can browse other users' inventories which are marked on map
- User can start a conversation with any user found on map.
- Firebase Storage (Storing photos)
- Firebase Realtime Database (Messaging & Users data)
- Google Maps API (Presenting data on map)
- Google Play services
- Firebase libraires to use firebase API
- Glide to upload & download photos from firestore with automatic caching (see https://github.com/bumptech/glide)
- CircleImageView to show avatars (see https://github.com/hdodenhof/CircleImageView)
- PingPlacePicker to create a place picker (see https://github.com/rtchagas/pingplacepicker)
- Clone a project from github
- Create android emulator or use real device
- Populate Google Maps API key in
- Add google-services.json in app-level folder
- Run application (At this point you are ready to build and run the application on your real device or emulator (with google services).)