Contains the object tracking code to be used with the Raspberry Pi co-processor in Rapid React.
When looking for the .jar file to upload to the Raspberry Pi, look under this directory "C:\Users...\2022-RaspberyPi-Code-Cargo-Tracking\build\lib".
The file you are looking for to upload should be called "2022-RaspberyPi-Code-Cargo-Tracking-all.jar".
Under the directory "C:\Users...\2022-RaspberyPi-Code-Cargo-Tracking\build\libs\Fallback Code" is a file called "2199 RasberryPi Code-all.jar". This file is working fallback code that was used in the 2021 Infinite Recharge season to detect yellow power cells. The .grip file that helped create the contents of the .jar file can also be found in the Fallback Code directory. Other files that can be found in that directory are some backups of the Red and Blue Cargo detection piplines.