PartManip: Learning Cross-Category Generalizable Part Manipulation Policy from Point Cloud Observations
CVPR 2023
This is the official repository of PartManip: Learning Cross-Category Generalizable Part Manipulation Policy from Point Cloud Observations.
For more information, please visit our project page.
- We use IsaacGym to implement a lightweight version of our algorithm with more robust reward and higher success rate. Previous version is now move to
We introduce a large-scale cross-category part manipulation benchmark PartManip with diverse object datasets, realistic settings, and rich annotations. We propose a generalizable vision-based policy learning strategy and boost the performance of part-based object manipulation by a large margin, which can generalize to unseen object categories and novel objects in the real world.
We first train state-based expert policy using our proposed canonicalization to the part coordinate frame and the part-aware reward. We then use the learned expert to collect demonstrations for pre-training the vision-based policy by behavior cloning. After pre-training, we train the vision-based policy to imitate the state-based expert policy using DAgger. We also introduce several point cloud augmentation techniques to boost the generalization ability. For the vision backbone, we introduce 3D Sparse-UNet which has a large expression capability. Furthermore, we introduced an extra domain adversarial learning module for better cross-category generalization.
To obtain our assets, please fill out this form and check the Terms&Conditions in it. Please cite our paper if you use our dataset.
install issacgym following the official guide
install dependencies
pip install wandb tensorboard ipdb gym tqdm rich opencv_python pytorch3d pyparsing pytorch_lightning addict yapf h5py sorcery pynvml torchdata==0.5.1 einops
- (Optional for full implementation, not necessary) install GAPartNet environment following the official guide
Use RL to finish manipulation tasks based on Isaac Gym.
Basic command is
# Train
python --algocfg {$ALGO} --taskcfg {$TASK} --exp_name {$EXP} --device_id {$GPU}
# e.g. python --algocfg ppo --taskcfg open_drawer --exp_name first_try --device_id 0 --log.mode wandb
# Test
python --exp_name {$EXP} --algocfg {$ALGO} --taskcfg {$TASK} --device_id {$GPU} --resume {$EXP}_seed{$SEED}/model_{$CKPT_NUM}.pth --test_only
# e.g. python --algocfg ppo --taskcfg open_drawer --exp_name first_try --device_id 0 --log.mode wandb --test_only --resume assets/ckpts/model_200000.pth --task.asset.splits valIntra
You can also overwrite any parameters in config file by adding --KEY1.KEY2.KEY3 xxx
. See def add_cfg
in utils/
for more.
ppo-implementation-details blog
ppo-implementation-details paper
Important changes:
1. Support reset some envs.
See comments in 'def step' in
2. If reset, set adv=0.
Reason: If reset, the returned observation is not the result of this action. So we don't know this action is good or bad. If we don't use reward aug tricks, setting adv=0 means this action will not have gradient.
See line 223 in
3. Reset if reward don't increase in previous K (hyperparameter) steps.
Reason: Tasks with dense reward don't need a very long exploring time. Once the reward stop increasing, it is likely to be trapped. Early reset can help reduce meaningless exploration. On the other hand, if the reward keeps increasing, we shouldn't reset even if current step id is bigger than max_episode_length.
See 'def pre_physics_step' in
reward-driven early stop can speed up and learn better: If the reward of student in time t is less than the reward of teacher in time t-delta (delta is a hyperparameter), then reset.
Use franka to grasp a 5x5x5(cm) cube to achieve 0.2m height.
Important changes:
1. Using SDF mode for collision detection to avoid severe penetration.
2. De-ambiguity. If the cube rotate 90 degree, the state-based policy will get confused.
Important changes:
1. Using SDF mode for collision detection to avoid severe penetration. Tune PhysX parameters. [Isaac Gym Tutorial](
2. random reset object. (TODO?: random object scale)
3. robot base can move.
There are some examples of our tested training curves:
A training example of drawer:
A training example of door:
This work and the dataset are licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.
If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:
title={PartManip: Learning Cross-Category Generalizable Part Manipulation Policy from Point Cloud Observations},
author={Geng, Haoran and Li, Ziming and Geng, Yiran and Chen, Jiayi and Dong, Hao and Wang, He},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.16958},
If you have any questions, please open a github issue or contact us:
Haoran Geng: [email protected]
He Wang: [email protected]