pip install -r requeriments.txt
from generator.generator import generate_data,generate_forecast_data
generate_data("user","password","host","port","db", "table", tags,"start_date","end_date", resolution, sqlserver)
- user: User for the server.
- password: Password for the server.
- host: Host for the server.
- db: Database in the server.
- table: Table of the database.
- tags: List of tags for the query.
- start_date: Start date for the query.
- end_date: End date for the query.
- resolution: Resolution for the query.
- sqlserver: Indicates if the MySQL database is SQL Server or not.
- user: User for the server.
- password: Password for the server.
- host: Host for the server.
- db: Database in the server.
- table: Table of the database.
- tags: List of tags for the query.
- date_saved: Date in which the forecast data was saved. Is a parameter for the query.
- start_date: Start date for the query.
- end_date: End date for the query.
- sqlserver: Indicates if the MySQL database is SQL Server or not.