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Tinsel 0.8.3

Tinsel is a RISC-V manythread message-passing architecture designed for FPGA clusters. It is being developed as part of the POETS project (Partial Ordered Event Triggered Systems). Further background can be found in the following papers:

  • Tinsel: a manythread overlay for FPGA clusters, FPL 2019 (paper)
  • Termination detection for fine-grained message-passing architectures, ASAP 2020 (paper, video)
  • General hardware multicasting for fine-grained message-passing architectures, PDP 2021 (paper, video)

If you're a POETS partner, you can access a machine running Tinsel in the POETS cloud.

Release Log



1. Overview

On the POETS Project, we are looking at ways to accelerate applications that are naturally expressed as a large number of small processes communicating by message-passing. Our first attempt is based around a manythread RISC-V architecture called Tinsel, running on an FPGA cluster. The main features are:

  • Multithreading. A critical aspect of the design is to tolerate latency as cleanly as possible. This includes the latencies arising from floating-point on Stratix V FPGAs (tens of cycles), off-chip memories, deep pipelines (keeping Fmax high), and sharing of resources between cores (such as caches, mailboxes, and FPUs).

  • Message-passing. Although there is a requirement to support a large amount of memory, it is not necessary to provide the illusion of a single shared memory space: message-passing is intended to be the primary communication mechanism. Tinsel provides custom instructions for sending and receiving messages between any two threads in the cluster.

  • Termination detection. A global termination event is triggered in hardware when every thread indicates termination and no messages are in-flight. Termination can be interpreted as termination of a time step, or termination of the application, supporting both synchronous and asynchronous event-driven systems.

  • Local multicasting. Threads can send a message to multiple colocated destination threads simultaneously, reducing the number of inter-thread messages in applications exhibiting good locality of communication.

  • Distributed multicasting. Programmable routers automatically propagate messages to any number of destination threads distributed throughout the cluster, minimising inter-FPGA bandwidth usage for distributed fanouts.

  • Host communication. Tinsel threads communicate with x86 machines distributed throughout the FPGA cluster, for command and control, via PCI Express and USB.

  • Custom accelerators. Groups of Tinsel cores called tiles can include custom accelerators written in SystemVerilog.

This repository also includes a prototype high-level vertex-centric programming API for Tinsel, called POLite.

2. High-Level Structure

A prototype POETS hardware architecture has been constructed, consisting of 56 DE5-Net FPGA boards connected in a 2D mesh topology (with the possibility of moving to 3D in future). Each group of 7 FPGAs resides in a separate POETS box, and there are 8 boxes in total. One FPGA in each box serves as a PCI Express bridge board connecting a modern PC to the remaining six FPGA worker boards.

The following diagrams are illustrative of a Tinsel system running on the POETS cluster. The system is highly-parameterised, so the actual numbers of component parts shown will vary.

Tinsel Tile

A Tinsel tile typically consists of four Tinsel cores sharing a mailbox, an FPU, and a data cache.

There is also experimental support for custom accelerators in tiles.

Tinsel FPGA

Each FPGA contains two Tinsel Slices, with each slice by default comprising eight tiles connected to a 2GB DDR3 DIMM and two 8MB QDRII+ SRAMs. All tiles are connected together via a routers to form a 2D NoC. The NoC is connected to the inter-FPGA links using a per-board programmable router. The per-board router also has connections to off-chip memory; this is where the routing tables are stored.

FPGA Triplet

An FPGA triplet consists of three worker FPGAs connected in a ring via a PCIe backplane. Each FPGA has a further four pluggable inter-FPGA links via SFP+ cables. A power module attached to each FPGA allows inidividual software-controlled power-switching of the FPGAs from the host PC. Each FPGA is also connected to the host PC via a 4MB/s USB serial link.

Power module

As our cluster resides in a server room, there are a number of remote-management requirements, e.g. fan monitoring, power measurement, and power switching. In particular, the ability to remotely power-switch FPGAs allows fast reprogramming of the overlay from flash, and hence a fast hard-reset capability. To meet these requirements, we have developed a per-FPGA power module:

It's an ARM-microcontroller-based Cypress PSoC 5, extended with a custom power and fan management shield. We have also extended the PSoC with a custom FE1.1s-based USB hub, so that the two USB connections to the ARM (debug and UART), and the one to the FPGA (JTAG), are all exposed by a single port on the power module, reducing cabling and improving air flow.


A POETS box contains a modern PC with a disk, a 10G NIC, a PCIe FPGA bridge board connecting the PC to the worker FPGAs via SFP+, and two FPGA-triplets (six worker FPGAs).

POETS cluster

A multi-box POETS cluster is collection of POETS boxes, with FPGAs from different boxes connected via SFP+. For example, here is a of photo of our first two-box cluster.

The complete 8-box DE5-Net POETS cluster has the following 2D structure (it doesn't yet exploit the PCIe backplanes which permit a 3D structure).

There are also plans to develop a modern version of the cluster using Stratix 10 devices.

3. Tinsel Core

Tinsel Core is a customised 32-bit multi-threaded processor implementing a subset of the RV32IMF profile of the RISC-V ISA. Custom features are provided through a range of control/status registers (CSRs).

The number of hardware threads must be a power of two and is controlled by a sythesis-time parameter LogThreadsPerCore. For example, with LogThreadsPerCore=4, each core implements 2^4 (16) threads.

Tinsel employs a generous 8-stage pipeline to achieve a high Fmax. The pipeline is hazard-free: at most one instruction per thread is present in the pipeline at any time. To achieve full throughput -- execution of an instruction on every clock cycle -- there must exist at least 8 runnable threads at any time. When a thread executes a multi-cycle instruction (such as an off-chip load/store, a blocking send/receive, or a floating-point operation), it becomes suspended and is only made runnable again when the instruction completes. While suspended, a thread is not present in the queue of runnable threads from which the scheduler will select the next thread, so does not burn CPU cycles.

The core fetches instructions from an instruction memory implemented using on-chip block RAM. The size of this memory is controlled by the synthesis-time parameter LogInstrsPerCore. All threads in a core share the same instruction memory. If the SharedInstrMem parameter is True then each instruction memory will be shared by two cores, using the dual-port feature of block RAMs (specifically, cores with ids 0 and 1 in a tile share the RAM, as do cores with ids 2 and 3, and so on). Otherwise, if it is False then each core will have its own instruction memory. The initial contents of the memory is specified in the FPGA bitstream and typically contains a boot loader. The instruction memory is not memory-mapped (i.e. not accessible via load/store instructions) but two CSRs are provided for writing instructions into the memory: InstrAddr and Instr.

CSR Name CSR R/W Function
InstrAddr 0x800 W Set address for instruction write
Instr 0x801 W Write to instruction memory

There is a read-only CSR for determining the globally unique id of the currently running thread (the structure of this id is defined in the Tinsel Network section).

CSR Name CSR R/W Function
HartId 0xf14 R Globally unique hardware thread id

On power-up, only a single thread (with id 0) is present in the run queue of each core. Further threads can be added to the run queue by writing to the NewThread CSR (as typically done by the boot loader). Threads can also be removed from the run-queue using the KillThread CSR.

CSR Name CSR R/W Function
NewThread 0x80d W Insert thread with given id into run-queue
KillThread 0x80e W Don't reinsert current thread into run-queue

Access to all of these CSRs is wrapped up by the following C functions in the Tinsel API.

// Write 32-bit word to instruction memory
inline void tinselWriteInstr(uint32_t addr, uint32_t word);

// Return a globally unique id for the calling thread
inline uint32_t tinselId();

// Insert new thread into run queue
// (The new thread has a program counter of 0)
inline void tinselCreateThread(uint32_t id);

// Don't reinsert currently running thread back in to run queue
inline void tinselKillThread();

Single-precision floating-point operations are implemented by the Tinsel FPU, which may be shared by any number of cores, as defined by the LogCoresPerFPU parameter. Note that, because the FPU is implemented using IP blocks provided by the FPGA vendor, there are some limitations with respect to the RISC-V spec. Most FPU operations have a high latency on the DE5-Net (up to 14 clock cycles) so multithreading is important for efficient implementation.

A summary of synthesis-time parameters introduced in this section:

Parameter Default Description
LogThreadsPerCore 4 Number of hardware threads per core
LogInstrsPerCore 11 Size of each instruction memory
SharedInstrMem True Is each instruction memory shared by 2 cores?
LogCoresPerFPU 2 Number of cores sharing a floating-point unit

4. Tinsel Cache

The DE5-Net contains two off-chip DDR3 DRAMs, each capable of performing two 64-bit memory operations on every cycle of an 800MHz clock (one operation on the rising edge and one on the falling edge). By serial-to-parallel conversion, a single 256-bit memory operation can be performed by a single DIMM on every cycle of a 400MHz core clock. This means that when a core performs a 32-bit load, it potentially throws away 224 of the bits returned by DRAM. To avoid this, we use a data cache local to a group of cores, giving the illusion of a 32-bit memory while behind-the-scenes transferring 256-bit lines (or larger, see below) between the cache and DRAM.

The DE5-Net also contains four off-chip QDRII+ SRAMs, each with a capacity of 8MB and capable of performing a 64-bit read and a 64-bit write on every cycle of a 225MHz clock. One DRAM and two SRAMs are mapped into the cached address space of each thread (see Tinsel Memory Map).

The cache line size must be larger than or equal to the DRAM data bus width: lines are read and written by the cache in contiguous chunks called beats. The width of a beat is defined by DCacheLogWordsPerBeat and the width of a line by DCacheLogBeatsPerLine. At present, the width of the DRAM data bus must equal the width of a cache beat.

The number of cores sharing a cache is controlled by the synthesis-time parameter LogCoresPerDCache. A sensible value for this parameter is two (giving four cores per cache), based on the observation that a typical RISC workload will issue a memory instruction once in every four instructions.

The number of caches sharing a DRAM is controlled by LogDCachesPerDRAM. A sensible value for this parameter on the DE5-Net with a 400MHz core clock might be three, which combined with a LogCoresPerDCache of two, gives 32 cores per DRAM: assuming one cache miss in every eight accesses (ratio between 32-bit word and 256-bit DRAM bus) and one memory instruction in every four cycles per core, the full bandwidth will be saturated by 32 cores (1/8 * 1/4 = 1/32).

For applications with lower memory-bandwidth requirements, the value of LogCoresPerDCache might be increased to three, giving 64 cores per DRAM. (As a point of comparison, SpiNNaker shares a 1.6GB/s DRAM amongst 16 x 200MHz cores, giving 4 bits per core-cycle. For the same data width per core-cycle, each 12.8GB/s DIMM on the DE5-Net could serve 64 x 400MHz cores.)

The cache is an N-way set-associative write-back cache with a pseudo least-recently-used (Pseudo-LRU) replacement policy. It is designed to serve one or more highly-threaded cores, where high throughput and high Fmax are more important than low latency. It employs a hash function that appends the thread id and some number of address bits, i.e. the cache is partitioned by thread id. This means that cache lines are not shared between threads and, consequently, there is no aliasing between threads.

The cache pipeline is hazard-free: at most one request per thread is present in the pipeline at any time which, combined with the no-sharing property above, implies that in-flight requests always operate on different lines, simplifying the implementation. To allow cores to meet this assumption, store responses are issued in addition to load responses.

With large numbers of threads per core, each thread's cache partition ends up being very small. Software therefore must take care to keep the working set down to avoid thrashing. The justification for this is that "devices" in the POETS model, although numerous, are intended to be small.

A cache flush function is provided that evicts all cache lines owned by the calling thread.

// Full cache flush (non-blocking)
inline void tinselCacheFlush();

// Flush given cache line (non-blocking)
inline void tinselFlushLine(uint32_t lineNum, uint32_t way)

These functions do not block until the flushed lines have reached memory (that can be acheived by issuing a subsequent load instruction and waiting for the response). The flush functions are implemented using the following CSR.

CSR Name CSR R/W Function
Flush 0xc01 W Cache line flush (line number, way)

The following parameters control the number of caches and the structure of each cache.

Parameter Default Description
LogCoresPerDCache 2 Cores per cache
LogDCachesPerDRAM 3 Caches per DRAM
DCacheLogWordsPerBeat 3 Number of 32-bit words per beat
DCacheLogBeatsPerLine 0 Beats per cache line
DCacheLogNumWays 4 Cache lines in each associative set
DCacheLogSetsPerThread 2 Associative sets per thread
LogBeatsPerDRAM 26 Size of DRAM

5. Tinsel Mailbox

The mailbox is a component used by threads to send and receive messages. A single mailbox serves multiple threads, defined by LogCoresPerMailbox. Mailboxes are connected together to form a network on which any thread can send a message to any other thread (see section Tinsel Mailbox Network), but communication is more efficient between threads that share the same mailbox.

A Tinsel message is comprised of a bounded number of flits. A thread can send a message containing any number of flits (up to the bound defined by LogMaxFlitsPerMsg), but conceptually the message is treated as an atomic unit: at any moment, either the whole message has reached the destination or none of it has. As one would expect, shorter messages consume less bandwidth than longer ones. The size of a flit is defined by LogWordsPerFlit.

At the heart of a mailbox is a memory-mapped scratchpad that stores both incoming and outgoing messages. The capacity of the scratchpad is defined by LogMsgsPerMailbox. Each thread connected to the mailbox has one or two message slots reserved for sending messages. (By default, only a single send slot is reserved; the extra send slot may be optionally reserved at power-up via a parameter to the HostLink constructor.) The addresses of these slots are obtained using the following Tinsel API calls.

// Get pointer to thread's message slot reserved for sending
volatile void* tinselSendSlot();

// Get pointer to thread's extra message slot reserved for sending
// (Assumes that HostLink has requested the extra slot)
volatile void* tinselSendSlotExtra();

Once a thread has written a message to the scratchpad, it can trigger a send operation, provided that the CanSend CSR returns true. It does so by: (1) writing the number of flits in the message to the SendLen CSR; (2) writing the address of the message in the scratchpad to the SendPtr CSR; (3) writing the destination mailbox id to the SendDest CSR; (4) invoking the Send custom instruction, whose two operands combine to form a 64-bit mask idenfitying the destination threads on the target mailbox. The format of a mailbox id is defined in Appendix E.

CSR Name CSR R/W Function
CanSend 0x803 R 1 if can send, 0 otherwise
SendLen 0x806 W Set message length for send
SendPtr 0x807 W Set message pointer for send
SendDest 0x808 W Set destination mailbox for send
Instruction Opcode Function
Send 0000000 <rs2> <rs1> 000 00000 0001000 Send message

The Tinsel API provides wrapper functions for these custom CSRs and instructions.

// Determine if calling thread can send a message
inline uint32_t tinselCanSend();

// Set message length for send operation
// (A message of length n is comprised of n+1 flits)
inline void tinselSetLen(uint32_t n);

// Send message to multiple threads on the given mailbox.
void tinselMulticast(
  uint32_t mboxDest,      // Destination mailbox
  uint32_t destMaskHigh,  // Destination bit mask (high bits)
  uint32_t destMaskLow,   // Destination bit mask (low bits)
  volatile void* addr);   // Message pointer

// Send message at address to destination thread id
// (Address must be aligned on message boundary)
inline void tinselSend(uint32_t dest, volatile void* addr);

Two things to note:

  • After sending a message, a thread must not modify the contents of that message while tinselCanSend() returns false, otherwise the in-flight message could be corrupted.

  • The SendLen, SendPtr and SendDest CSRs are persistent: if two consecutive send operations wish to use the same length, pointer, and mailbox id then the CSRs need only be written once.

All the other message slots, i.e. those not reserved for sending, are used by the hardware for receiving messages. To receive a message, a thread first checks that the CanRecv CSR returns true, and if so, reads the Recv CSR, yielding a pointer to the slot containing the received message. As soon as the thread is finished with the message, it can free it by writing the address of the slot to the Free CSR, allowing the hardware to recycle that slot for a new future message.

CSR Name CSR R/W Function
Free 0x802 W Free space used by message in scratchpad
CanRecv 0x805 R 1 if can receive, 0 otherwise
Recv 0x809 R Return pointer to a received message

Again, the Tinsel API hides these low-level CSRs.

// Determine if calling thread can receive a message
inline uint32_t tinselCanRecv();

// Receive message
inline volatile void* tinselRecv();

// Indicate that we've finished with the given message.
void tinselFree(void* addr);

For futher details about hardware multicasting, see the original feature proposal: PIP 22.

Sometimes, a thread may wish to wait until it can send or receive. To avoid busy waiting on the tinselCanSend() and tinselCanRecv() functions, a thread can be suspended by writing to the WaitUntil CSR.

CSR Name CSR R/W Function
WaitUntil 0x80a W Sleep until can send or receive

This CSR is treated as a bit string: bit 0 indicates whether the thread would like to be woken when a send is possible, and bit 1 indicates whether the thread would like to be woken when a receive is possible. Both bits may be set, in which case the thread will be woken when a send or a receive is possible. The Tinsel API abstracts this CSR as follows.

// Thread can be woken by a logical-OR of these events
typedef enum {TINSEL_CAN_SEND = 1, TINSEL_CAN_RECV = 2} TinselWakeupCond;

// Suspend thread until wakeup condition satisfied
inline void tinselWaitUntil(TinselWakeupCond cond);

Tinsel also provides a function

  int tinselIdle(bool vote);

for global termination detection, which blocks until either

  1. a message is available to receive, or

  2. all threads in the entire system are blocked on a call to tinselIdle() and there are no undelivered messages in the system.

The function returns zero in the former case and non-zero in the latter. A return value > 1 means that all callers voted true. This feature allows efficient termination detection in asynchronous applications and efficient barrier synchronisation in synchronous applications. The voting mechanism additionally allows termination to be detected in synchronous applications, e.g. all threads in the system are stable since the last time step. Note that a message is considered undelivered until it is received and freed. For more background, see the original feature proposal: PIP 13.

A summary of synthesis-time parameters introduced in this section:

Parameter Default Description
LogCoresPerMailbox 2 Number of cores sharing a mailbox
LogWordsPerFlit 2 Number of 32-bit words in a flit
LogMaxFlitsPerMsg 2 Max number of flits in a message
LogMsgsPerMailbox 9 Number of slots in the mailbox

6. Tinsel Network

The number of mailboxes on each FPGA board is goverened by the parameter LogMailboxesPerBoard.

Parameter Default Description
LogMailboxesPerBoard 4 Number of mailboxes per FPGA board

The mailboxes are connected together by a 2D network-on-chip (NoC) carrying message flits (see section Tinsel Mailbox). The network ensures that flits from different messages are not interleaved or, equivalently, flits from the same message appear contiguously between any two mailboxes. This avoids complex logic for reassembling messages. It also avoids the deadlock case whereby a receiver's buffer is exhausted with partial messages, yet is unable to provide a single whole message for the receiver to consume in order free space.

It is more efficient to send messages between threads that share a mailbox than between threads on different mailboxes. This is because, in the former case, flits are simply copied from one part of a scratchpad to another using a wide, flit-sized, read/write port. Such messages do not occupy any bandwidth on the bidirectional NoC connecting the mailboxes.

It is also more efficient to send messages between threads on neighbouring mailboxes, w.r.t. the 2D NoC, than between threads on distant mailboxes. This is because, in the former case, the message spends less time on the network, consuming less bandwidth.

The mailbox network extends across multiple FPGA boards arranged in a 2D mesh, of maximum size 2^MeshXBits x 2^MeshYBits.

Parameter Default Description
MeshXBits 3 Number of bits in mesh X coordinate
MeshYBits 3 Number of bits in mesh Y coordinate

The full board mesh is comprised of multiple smaller meshes (of size MeshXLenWithinBox x MeshYLenWithinBox) running on each POETS box.

Parameter Default Description
MeshXLenWithinBox 3 Boards in X dimension within box
MeshYLenWithinBox 2 Boards in Y dimension within box

A globally unique thread id, as returned by tinselId(), has the following structure from MSB to LSB.

Field Width
Board Y coord MeshYBits
Board X coord MeshXBits
Mailbox Y coord MailboxMeshYBits
Mailbox X coord MailboxMeshXBits
Mailbox-local thread id LogThreadsPerMailbox

Each board-to-board communication port is implemented on top of a 10Gbps ethernet MAC, which automatically detects and drops packets containing CRC errors. On top of the MAC sits our own window-based reliability layer that retransmits dropped packets. We refer to this combination of components as a reliable link. The use of ethernet allows us to use mostly standard (and free) IP cores for inter-board communication. And since we are using the links point-to-point, almost all of the ethernet header fields can be used for our own purposes, resulting in very little overhead on the wire.

7. Tinsel Router

Tinsel provides a programmable router on each FPGA board to support distributed multicasting. Programmable routers automatically propagate messages to any number of destination threads distributed throughout the cluster, minimising inter-FPGA bandwidth usage for distributed fanouts, and offloading work from the cores. Further background can be found in PIP 24.

To support programmable routers, the destination component of a message is generalised so that it can be (1) a thread id; or (2) a routing key. A message, sent by a thread, containing a routing key as a destination will go to a per-board router on the same FPGA. The router will use the key as an index into a DRAM-based routing table and automatically propagate the message towards all the destinations associated with that key.

A routing key is a 32-bit value consisting of a board-local ram id, a pointer, and a size:

// 32-bit routing key (MSB to LSB)
typedef struct {
  // Which off-chip RAM on this board?
  Bit#(`LogDRAMsPerBoard) ram;
  // Pointer to array of routing beats containing routing records
  Bit#(`LogBeatsPerDRAM) ptr;
  // Number of beats in the array
  Bit#(`LogRoutingEntryLen) numBeats;
} RoutingKey;

To send a message using a routing key as the destination, a new Tinsel API call is provided:

// Send message at addr using given routing key 
inline void tinselKeySend(uint32_t key, volatile void* addr);

When a message reaches the per-board router, the ptr field of the routing key is used as an index into DRAM, where a sequence of 256-bit routing beats are found. The numBeats field of the routing key indicates how many contiguous routing beats there are. The value of numBeats may be zero, in which case there are no destinations associated with the key.

A routing beat consists of a size and a sequence of five 48-bit routing chunks:

// 256-bit routing beat (aligned, MSB to LSB)
typedef struct {
  // Number of routing records present in this beat
  Bit#(16) size;
  // Five 48-bit record chunks
  Vector#(5, Bit#(48)) chunks;
} RoutingBeat;

The size must lie in the range 1 to 5 inclusive (0 is disallowed). A routing record consists of one or two routing chunks, depending on the record type.

All byte orderings are little endian. For example, the order of bytes in a routing beat is as follows.

Byte Contents
31: Upper byte of size (i.e. number of records in beat)
30: Lower byte of size
29: Upper byte of first chunk
... ...
24: Lower byte of first chunk
23: Upper byte of second chunk
... ...
18: Lower byte of second chunk
17: Upper byte of third chunk
... ...
12: Lower byte of third chunk
11: Upper byte of fourth chunk
... ...
6: Lower byte of fourth chunk
5: Upper byte of fifth chunk
... ...
0: Lower byte of fifth chunk

Clearly, both routing keys and routing beats have a maximum size. However, in principle there is no limit to the number of records associated with a key, due to the possibility of indirection records (see below).

There are five types of routing record, defined below.

48-bit Unicast Router-to-Mailbox (URM1):

typedef struct {
  // Record type (URM1 == 0)
  Bit#(3) tag;
  // Mailbox destination
  Bit#(4) mbox;
  // Mailbox-local thread identifier
  Bit#(6) thread;
  // Unused
  Bit#(3) unused;
  // Local key. The first word of the message
  // payload is overwritten with this.
  Bit#(32) localKey;
} URM1Record;

The localKey can be used for anything, but might encode the destination thread-local device identifier, or edge identifier, or both. The mbox field is currently 4 bits (two Y bits followed by two X bits), but there are spare bits available to increase the size of this field in future if necessary.

96-bit Unicast Router-to-Mailbox (URM2):

typedef struct {
  // Record type (URM2 == 1)
  Bit#(3) tag;
  // Mailbox destination
  Bit#(4) mbox;
  // Mailbox-local thread identifier
  Bit#(6) thread;
  // Currently unused
  Bit#(19) unused;
  // Local key. The first two words of the message
  // payload is overwritten with this.
  Bit#(64) localKey;
} URM2Record;

This is the same as a URM1 record except the local key is 64-bits in size.

48-bit Router-to-Router (RR):

typedef struct {
  // Record type (RR == 2)
  Bit#(3) tag;
  // Direction (N,S,E,W == 0,1,2,3)
  Bit#(2) dir;
  // Currently unused
  Bit#(11) unused;
  // New 32-bit routing key that will replace the one in the
  // current message for the next hop of the message's journey
  Bit#(32) newKey;
} RRRecord;

The newKey field will replace the key in the current message for the next hop of the message's journey. Introducing a new key at each hop simplifies the mapping process (keeping it quick).

96-bit Multicast Router-to-Mailbox (MRM):

typedef struct {
  // Record type (MRM == 3)
  Bit#(3) tag;
  // Mailbox destination
  Bit#(4) mbox;
  // Currently unused
  Bit#(9) unused;
  // Local key. The least-significant half-word
  // of the message is replaced with this
  Bit#(16) localKey;
  // Mailbox-local destination mask
  Bit#(64) destMask;
} MRMRecord;

48-bit Indirection (IND):

// 48-bit Indirection (IND) record
// Note the restrictions on IND records:
// 1. At most one IND record per key lookup
// 2. A max-sized key lookup must contain an IND record
typedef struct {
  // Record type (IND == 4)
  Bit#(3) tag;
  // Currently unused
  Bit#(13) unused;
  // New 32-bit routing key for new set of records on current router
  Bit#(32) newKey;
} INDRecord;

Indirection records can be used to handle large fanouts, which exceed the number of bits available in the size portion of the routing key.

Finally, it is worth noting that when using programmable routers, there is an added responsibility for the programmer to use a deadlock-free routing scheme, such as dimension-ordered routing.

8. Tinsel HostLink

HostLink is the means by which Tinsel cores running on a mesh of FPGA boards communicate with a host PC. It comprises three main communication channels:

  • An FPGA bridge board that connects the host PC inside a POETS box (PCI Express) to the FPGA mesh (SFP+). Using this high-bandwidth channel (2 x 10Gbps), the host PC can efficiently send messages to any Tinsel thread and vice-versa.

  • A set of debug links connecting the host PC inside a POETS box to each worker FPGA board via separate USB UART cables. These low-bandwidth connections (around 4MB/s each) are virtualised to provide every hardware thread with stdin and stdout byte streams. They are intended for debugging and can be used to implement functions such as printf and getchar.

  • A set of power links connecting the host PC inside a POETS box to each FPGA's power management module via separate USB UART cables. These connections can be used to power-on/power-off each FPGA and to monitor power consumption, temperature, and fan tachometer.

HostLink allows multiple POETS boxes to be used to run an application, but requires that one of these boxes is designated as the master box. A Tinsel application typically consists of two programs: one which runs on the RISC-V cores, linked against the Tinsel API, and the other which runs on the host PC of the master box, linked against the HostLink API. The HostLink API is implemented as a C++ class called HostLink. The constructor for this class first powers up all the worker FPGAs (which are by default powered down). On power-up, the FPGAs are automatically programmed using the Tinsel bit-file residing in flash memory, and are ready to be used within a few seconds, as soon as the HostLink constructor returns.

The HostLink constructor is overloaded:

HostLink::HostLink(uint32_t numBoxesX, uint32_t numBoxesY);
HostLink::HostLink(HostLinkParams params);

If it is called without any arguments, then it assumes that a single box is to be used. Alternatively, the user may request multiple boxes by specifying the width and height of the box sub-mesh they wish to use. (The box from which the application is started, i.e. the master box, is considered as the the origin of this sub-mesh.) The most general constructor takes a HostLinkParams structure as an argument, which allows additional options to be specified.

// HostLink parameters
struct HostLinkParams {
  // Number of boxes to use (default is 1x1)
  uint32_t numBoxesX;
  uint32_t numBoxesY;
  // Enable use of tinselSendSlotExtra() on threads (default is false)
  bool useExtraSendSlot;

HostLink methods for sending and receiving messages on the host PC are as follows.

// Send a message (blocking)
bool HostLink::send(uint32_t dest, uint32_t numFlits, void* msg);

// Try to send a message (non-blocking, returns true on success)
bool HostLink::trySend(uint32_t dest, uint32_t numFlits, void* msg);

// Receive a max-sized message (blocking)
// Buffer must be at least 1<<LogBytesPerMsg bytes in size
void HostLink::recv(void* msg);

// Can receive a message without blocking?
bool HostLink::canRecv();

// Receive a message (blocking), given size of message in bytes
// Any bytes beyond numBytes up to the next message boundary will be ignored
void HostLink::recvMsg(void* msg, uint32_t numBytes);

// Send a message using routing key (blocking)
bool HostLink::keySend(uint32_t key, uint32_t numFlits, void* msg);

// Try to send using routing key (non-blocking, returns true on success)
bool HostLink::keyTrySend(uint32_t key, uint32_t numFlits, void* msg);

The send method allows a message consisting of multiple flits to be sent. The recv method reads a single max-sized message, padded with zeroes if the actual message received contains fewer than the maximum number of flits. If the length of the message is known statically, recvMsg can be used and any bytes beyond numBytes up to the next message boundary will be ignored. This is useful when a struct is being used to hold messages, in which case the second argument to recvMsg is simply the sizeof the struct. The recvMsg function assumes that the size of the struct is less than or equal to the maximum message size.

There is also support for bulk sending and receving of messages. For bulk receiving, recvBulk and recvMsgs generalise recv and recvMsg respectively. For bulk sending, enable the useSendBuffer member variable, and call flush to ensure that messages actually get sent.

// Receive multiple max-sized messages (blocking)
void HostLink::recvBulk(int numMsgs, void* msgs);

// Receive multiple messages (blocking), given size of each message
void HostLink::recvMsgs(int numMsgs, int msgSize, void* msgs);

// When enabled, use buffer for sending messages, permitting bulk writes
// The buffer must be flushed to ensure data is sent
// Currently, only blocking sends are supported in this mode
bool HostLink::useSendBuffer;

// Flush the send buffer (when send buffering is enabled)
void HostLink::flush();

These methods for sending a receiving messages work by connecting to a local PCIeStream deamon via a UNIX domain socket. The daemon in turn communicates with the FPGA bridge board via PCI Express, initiating DMA transactions for efficient data transfer, and requires that the dmabuffer kernel module is loaded. For low-level details, see the comments at the top of PCIeStream.bsv and DE5BridgeTop.bsv.

The following member variables and helper functions are provided for constructing and deconstructing addresses (globally unique thread ids).

// Dimensions of the board mesh
int HostLink::meshXLen;
int HostLink::meshYLen;

// Address construction
uint32_t HostLink::toAddr(uint32_t meshX, uint32_t meshY,
                          uint32_t coreId, uint32_t threadId);

// Address deconstruction
void HostLink::fromAddr(uint32_t addr, uint32_t* meshX, uint32_t* meshY,
                                       uint32_t* coreId, uint32_t* threadId);

To send a message from a Tinsel thread to a host PC, we need an address for the host PC, which can be obtained using the following API calls.

// Get address of the master host PC
// (That is, the PC from which the application was started)
uint32_t tinselHostId();

// Get address of any specified host PC
// (The Y coordinate specifies the row of the FPGA mesh that the
// host is connected to, and the X coordinate specifies whether it is
// the host on the left or the right of that row.)
// (Note that the return value is a relative address: it may differ
// depending on which thread it is called)
uint32_t tinselBridgeId(uint32_t x, uint32_t y);

// Get address of host PC in same box as calling thread.
// (Note that the return value is a relative address: it may differ
// depending on which thread it is called)
uint32_t tinselMyBridgeId();

The following HostLink member variable is used to access the debug links to each FPGA on the system.

// DebugLink (access to FPGAs via their JTAG UARTs)
HostLink::DebugLink* debugLink;

To send bytes to a thread's input stream over DebugLink, one first needs to set the destination address.

// On given board, set destination core and thread
void DebugLink::setDest(uint32_t boardX, uint32_t boardY,
                          uint32_t coreId, uint32_t threadId);

// On given board, set destinations to core-local thread id on every core
void DebugLink::setBroadcastDest(
                  int32_t boardX, uint32_t boardY, uint32_t threadId);

After that, bytes can be sent and received using the functions:

// On given board, send byte to destination thread (StdIn)
void DebugLink::put(uint32_t boardX, uint32_t boardY, uint8_t byte);

// Receive byte (StdOut)
void DebugLink::get(uint32_t* boardX, uint32_t* boardY,
                      uint32_t* coreId, uint32_t* threadId, uint8_t* byte);

// Is a data available for reading?
bool DebugLink::canGet();

These methods for sending a receiving bytes via DebugLink work by connecting to a Board Control Daemon running on each POETS box. For low-level details about the DebugLink protocol, see the comments at the top of DebugLink.bsv.

On the FPGA side, the following CSRs can be used to send and receive bytes over DebugLink.

Name CSR R/W Function
FromUart 0x80b R Try to read byte from StdIn
ToUart 0x80c RW Try to write byte to StdOut

Bits [7:0] of FromUart contain the byte received and bit 8 indicates whether or not a byte was received. The ToUart CSR should be read and written atomically using the cssrw instruction and the value read is non-zero on success (the write may fail due to back-pressure). These CSRs are used to implement the following non-blocking functions in the Tinsel API:

// Receive byte from StdIn (over DebugLink)
// (Byte returned in bits [7:0]; bit 8 indicates validity)
inline uint32_t tinselUartTryGet();

// Send byte to StdOut (over DebugLink)
// (Returns non-zero on success)
inline uint32_t tinselUartTryPut(uint8_t x);

On power-up, only a single Tinsel thread (with id 0) on each core is active and running a boot loader. When the boot loader is running, the HostLink API supports the following methods.

// Load application code and data onto the mesh
void HostLink::boot(const char* codeFilename, const char* dataFilename);

// Trigger to start application execution
void HostLink::go();

// Set address for remote memory access to given board via given core
// (This address is auto-incremented on loads and stores)
void HostLink::setAddr(uint32_t meshX, uint32_t meshY,
                       uint32_t coreId, uint32_t addr);

// Store words to remote memory on given board via given core
void HostLink::store(uint32_t meshX, uint32_t meshY,
                     uint32_t coreId, uint32_t numWords, uint32_t* data);

The format of the code and data files is verilog hex format, which is easily produced using standard RISC-V compiler tools.

Once the go() method is invoked, the boot loader activates all threads on all cores and calls the application's main() function. When the application is running (and hence the boot loader is not running) HostLink methods that communicate with the boot loader should not be called. When the application returns from main(), all but one thread on each core are killed and the remaining threads reenter the boot loader.

9. POLite API

POLite is a layer of abstraction that takes care of mapping arbitrary task graphs onto the Tinsel overlay, completely hiding architectural details. As the name suggests, this is only a lightweight frontend providing basic features; there are multiple other frontends (similar to but more elaborate than POLite) being developed on the POETS project.

Behaviours of tasks in the task graph are specified as event handlers that update the state of the task when a particular event occurs, e.g. when an incoming message is available, or the network is ready to send a new message, or termination is detected. It fits very much into the vertex-centric paradigm popularised by Google's Pregel, but aims to support asynchronous applications in addition to synchronous ones.

Vertex behaviour. In a POLite application, vertex behaviour is defined by inheriting from the PVertex class:

template <typename S, typename E, typename M>
  struct PVertex {
    // Vertex state
    S* s;
    PPin* readyToSend;

    // Event handlers
    void init();
    void send(M* msg);
    void recv(M* msg, E* edge);
    bool step();
    bool finish(M* msg);

It is parameterised by the vertex state type S, the edge weight type E, and the message type M. Each vertex has access to local state s, and a readyToSend field whose value is one of:

  • No: the vertex doesn't want to send.
  • Pin(p): the vertex wants to send on pin p.
  • HostPin: the vertex wants to send to the host.

A pin is an array of outgoing edges, and sending a message on a pin means sending a message along all edges in the array. A vertex can have multiple pins, and the number is expected to vary from application to application. Vertices should initialise *readyToSend in the init handler, which runs once for every vertex when the application starts. After that, the other event handlers come into play.

Send handler. Any vertex indicating that it wishes to send will eventually have its send handler called, unless another handler (called before the send handler has had chance to run) updates *readyToSend to No. When called, the send handler is provided with a message buffer, to which the outgoing message should be written. The destination is deduced from the value of *readyToSend immediately before the send handler is called.

Receive handler. A message arriving at a vertex causes the recv handler of the vertex to be called with a pointer to the message and a pointer to the weight associated with the incoming edge along which the message has arrived. The edge weight is passed to the recv handler rather than the send handler because it is associated with a particular edge, not a pin capturing multiple edges. For unweighted graphs, the edge weight type can be declared as PEmpty and ignored.

Step handler. The step handler is called whenever: (1) no vertex in graph wishes to send, and (2) there are no messages in-flight. It returns a boolean, indicating whether or not the vertex wishes to continue executing. Typically, an asynchronous application will simply return false, while a synchronous one will do some compute for the time step, perhaps requesting to send again, and will return true if it wishes to start a new time step.

Finish handler. If the conditions for calling the step handler are met, but the previous call of the step handler returned false on every vertex, then the finish handler is called. The key point here is that the finish handler can only be invoked when all vertices in the entire graph do not wish to continue. At this stage, each vertex may optionally send a message to the host by writing to the provided buffer and returning true

SSSP example. To illustrate the PVertex class, here is an asynchronous POLite solution to the single-source shortest paths problem:

// Vertex state
struct SSSPState {
  // Is this the source vertex?
  bool isSource;
  // The shortest known distance to this vertex
  int dist;

// Vertex behaviour
struct SSSPVertex : PVertex<SSSPState,int,int> {
  void init() {
    *readyToSend = s->isSource ? Pin(0) : No;
  void send(int* msg) {
    *msg = s->dist;
    *readyToSend = No;
  void recv(int* dist, int* weight) {
    int newDist = *dist + *weight;
    if (newDist < s->dist) {
      s->dist = newDist;
      *readyToSend = Pin(0);
  bool step() { return false; }
  bool finish(int* msg) {
    *msg = s->dist;
    return true;

Each vertex maintains an int representing the shortest known path to it (initially the largest positive integer), and a read-only bool indicating whether or not it is the source vertex. When the application starts, only the source vertex requests to send, but this triggers further iterative sending until the shortest paths to the all vertices have been determined. Finally, when the vertex states have stabilised, the finish handler is called to send the results back to the host. In this example, a single pin (pin 0) on each vertex is sufficient to solve the problem.

For more POLite examples, see here.

The host. So far, we have looked at using POLite to describe the behaviour of vertices running on the Tinsel overlay. An equally important part of a POLite application is to describe the behaviour of the host, i.e. the program that handles the command-and-control side of the application, and runs on the x86 servers in our cluster. POLite provides a number of features to define host behaviour in a simple, architecture-agnostic manner, outlined below.

Graph construction. POLite provides a PGraph type,

template <typename V, typename S, typename M, typename E> class PGraph;

parameterised by the same types as the PVertex type, plus the vertex type itself. For example, to declare a graph for the SSSP example, we write:

PGraph<SSSPVertex, SSSPState, int, int> graph;

PGraph has operations for adding vertices, pins, edges, and edge weights. Using these operations, an application can prepare an arbitrary graph to be mapped onto the Tinsel overlay. The initial state of each vertex can also be specified using this data structure.

Graph mapping. The POLite mapper takes a PGraph and decides which vertices will run on which Tinsel threads. It employs an hierarchical graph partitioning scheme using the standard METIS tool: first the graph is partitioned between FPGA boards, then each FPGA's subgraph is partitioned between tiles, and finally each tile's subgraph is partitioned between threads. In each case, we ask METIS to minimise to minimise the edge cut, i.e. the number of edges that cross partitions. METIS supports quite general load balancing constraints, which in future could be used to balance the amount of work performed by each thread.

After mapping, POLite writes the graph into cluster memory and triggers execution. By default, vertex states are written into the off-chip QDRII+ SRAMs, and edge lists are written in the DDR3 DRAMs. This default behaviour can be modified by adjusting the following flags of the PGraph class.

Flag Default
mapVerticesToDRAM false
mapInEdgeHeadersToDRAM true
mapInEdgeRestToDRAM true
mapOutEdgesToDRAM true

A value of true means "map to DRAM", while false means "map to (off-chip) SRAM". Once the application is up and running, the host and the graph vertices can continue to communicate: any vertex can send messages to the host via the HostPin or the finish handler, and the host can send messages to any vertex.

Softswitch. Central to POLite is an event loop running on each Tinsel thread, which we call the softswitch as it effectively context-switches between vertices mapped to the same thread. The softswitch has four main responsibilities: (1) to maintain a queue of vertices wanting to send; (2) to implement multicast sends over a pin by sending over each edge associated with that pin; (3) to pass messages efficiently between vertices running on the same thread and on different threads; and (4) to invoke the vertex handlers when required, to meet the semantics of the POLite library.

POLite static parameters. The following macros can be defined, before the first instance of #include <POLite.h>, to control some aspects of POLite behaviour.

Macro Meaning
POLITE_NUM_PINS Max number of pins per vertex (default 1)
POLITE_DUMP_STATS Dump stats upon completion
POLITE_COUNT_MSGS Include message counts in stats dump
POLITE_EDGES_PER_HEADER Lower this for large edge states (default 6)

POLite dynamic parameters. The following environment variables can be set, to control some aspects of POLite behaviour.

Environment variable Meaning
HOSTLINK_BOXES_X Size of box mesh to use in X dimension
HOSTLINK_BOXES_Y Size of box mesh to use in Y dimension
POLITE_BOARDS_X Size of board mesh to use in X dimension
POLITE_BOARDS_Y Size of board mesh to use in Y dimension
POLITE_CHATTY Set to 1 to enable emission of mapper stats
POLITE_PLACER Use metis, random, bfs, or direct placement

Limitations. POLite is primarily intended as a prototype library for hardware evaluation purposes. It occupies a single, simple point in a wider, richer design space. In particular, it doesn't support dynamic creation of vertices and edges, and it hasn't been optimised to deal with highly non-uniform fanouts (i.e. where some vertices have tiny fanouts and others have huge fanouts; this could be alleviated by adding fanout as a vertex weight for METIS partitioning).

A. DE5-Net Synthesis Report

The default Tinsel configuration on a single DE5-Net board contains:

  • 64 cores
  • 16 threads per core
  • (1024 threads in total)
  • 16 multicast-capable mailboxes
  • 16 caches
  • 16 floating-point units
  • 2D network-on-chip
  • two DDR3 DRAM controllers
  • four QDRII+ SRAM controllers
  • four 10Gbps reliable links
  • one termination/idle detector
  • one 8x8 programmable router

The clock frequency is 210MHz and the resource utilisation is 84% of the DE5-Net.

B. Tinsel Parameters

Parameter Default Description
LogThreadsPerCore 4 Number of hardware threads per core
LogInstrsPerCore 11 Size of each instruction memory
SharedInstrMem True Is each instr memory shared by 2 cores?
LogCoresPerFPU 2 Number of cores sharing an FPU
LogCoresPerDCache 2 Cores per cache
LogDCachesPerDRAM 3 Caches per DRAM
DCacheLogWordsPerBeat 3 Number of 32-bit words per beat
DCacheLogBeatsPerLine 0 Beats per cache line
DCacheLogNumWays 4 Cache lines in each associative set
DCacheLogSetsPerThread 2 Associative sets per thread
LogBeatsPerDRAM 26 Size of DRAM
SRAMAddrWidth 20 Address width of each off-chip SRAM
LogBytesPerSRAMBeat 3 Data width of each off-chip SRAM
LogCoresPerMailbox 2 Number of cores sharing a mailbox
LogWordsPerFlit 2 Number of 32-bit words in a flit
LogMaxFlitsPerMsg 2 Max number of flits in a message
LogMsgsPerMailbox 9 Number of message slots in the mailbox
LogMailboxesPerBoard 4 Number of mailboxes per FPGA board
MeshXBits 3 Number of bits in mesh X coordinate
MeshYBits 3 Number of bits in mesh Y coordinate
MeshXLenWithinBox 3 Boards in X dimension within box
MeshYLenWithinBox 2 Boards in Y dimension within box
EnablePerfCount True Enable performance counters
ClockFreq 210 Clock frequency in MHz

A full list of parameters can be found in

C. Tinsel Memory Map

Region Description
0x00000000-0x00007fff Reserved
0x00008000-0x0000ffff Mailbox
0x00010000-0x007fffff Reserved
0x00800000-0x00ffffff Cached off-chip SRAM A
0x01000000-0x017fffff Cached off-chip SRAM B
0x01800000-0x7fffffff Cached off-chip DRAM
0xc0000000-0xffffffff Partition-interleaved cached off-chip DRAM

Note that the regions 0x40000000-0x7fffffff and 0xc0000000-0xffffffff map to the same memory in DRAM. The only difference is that 0xc0000000-0xffffffff is partition interleaved. The idea is that this region can hold a private partition for each thread, e.g. its stack and heap. When all threads access their partitions at the same time, it can be beneficial for DRAM performance to interleave the partitions at the cache-line granularity -- and that's what the 0xc0000000-0xffffffff region provides. This partition-interleaved region is, by default, used for each thread's private stack and heap.

Applications should either use region 0x40000000-0x7fffffff or region 0xc0000000-0xffffffff, but not both. This is because the address translation to implement interleaving is applied after the caches in the memory hierarchy, so the cache considers them as separate memory regions (which they are not).

D. Tinsel CSRs

Name CSR R/W Function
InstrAddr 0x800 W Set address for instruction write
Instr 0x801 W Write to instruction memory
Free 0x802 W Free space used by message in scratchpad
CanSend 0x803 R 1 if can send, 0 otherwise
HartId 0xf14 R Globally unique hardware thread id
CanRecv 0x805 R 1 if can receive, 0 otherwise
SendLen 0x806 W Set message length for send
SendPtr 0x807 W Set message pointer for send
SendDest 0x808 W Set destination mailbox id for send
Recv 0x809 R Return pointer to message received
WaitUntil 0x80a W Sleep until can-send or can-recv
FromUart 0x80b R Try to read byte from StdIn
ToUart 0x80c RW Try to write byte to StdOut
NewThread 0x80d W Insert thread with given id into run-queue
KillThread 0x80e W Don't reinsert current thread into run-queue
Emit 0x80f W Emit char to console (simulation only)
FFlag 0x001 RW Floating-point accrued exception flags
FRM 0x002 R Floating-point dynamic rounding mode
FCSR 0x003 RW Concatenation of FRM and FFlag
Cycle 0xc00 R Cycle counter (lower 32 bits)
Flush 0xc01 W Cache line flush (line number, way)

Optional performance-counter CSRs (when EnablePerfCount is True):

Name CSR R/W Function
PerfCount 0xc07 W Reset(0)/Start(1)/Stop(2) all counters
MissCount 0xc08 R Cache miss count
HitCount 0xc09 R Cache hit count
WritebackCount 0xc0a R Cache writeback count
CPUIdleCount 0xc0b R CPU idle-cycle count (lower 32 bits)
CPUIdleCountU 0xc0c R CPU idle-cycle count (upper 8 bits)
CycleU 0xc0d R Cycle counter (upper 8 bits)
ProgRouterSent 0xc0e R Total msgs sent by ProgRouter
ProgRouterSentInter 0xc0f R Inter-board msgs sent by ProgRouter

Note that ProgRouterSent and ProgRouterSentInter are only valid from thread zero on each board.

Tinsel also supports the following custom instructions.

Instruction Opcode Function
Send 0000000 <rs2> <rs1> 000 00000 0001000 Send message

E. Tinsel Address Structure

A globally unique thread id has the following structure from MSB to LSB.

Field Width
Board Y coord MeshYBits
Board X coord MeshXBits
Mailbox Y coord MailboxMeshYBits
Mailbox X coord MailboxMeshXBits
Mailbox-local thread id LogThreadsPerMailbox

A globally unique mailbox id is exactly the same, except it is missing the mailbox-local thread id component.

F. Tinsel API

// Return a globally unique id for the calling thread
inline uint32_t tinselId();

// Read cycle counter
inline uint32_t tinselCycleCount();

// Write 32-bit word to instruction memory
inline void tinselWriteInstr(uint32_t addr, uint32_t word);

// Cache flush (non-blocking)
inline void tinselCacheFlush();

// Cache line flush (non-blocking)
inline void tinselFlushLine(uint32_t lineNum, uint32_t way);

// Set message length for send operation
// (A message of length n is comprised of n+1 flits)
inline void tinselSetLen(uint32_t n);

// Get pointer to thread's message slot reserved for sending
volatile void* tinselSendSlot();

// Get pointer to thread's extra message slot reserved for sending
// (Assumes that HostLink has requested the extra slot)
volatile void* tinselSendSlotExtra();

// Determine if calling thread can send a message
inline uint32_t tinselCanSend();

// Send message to multiple threads on the given mailbox.
// (Address must be aligned on message boundary)
inline void tinselMulticast(
  uint32_t mboxDest,      // Destination mailbox
  uint32_t destMaskHigh,  // Destination bit mask (high bits)
  uint32_t destMaskLow,   // Destination bit mask (low bits)
  volatile void* addr);   // Message pointer

// Send message at address to destination thread id
// (Address must be aligned on message boundary)
inline void tinselSend(uint32_t dest, volatile void* addr);

// Send message at address using given routing key
inline void tinselKeySend(uint32_t key, volatile void* addr);

// Determine if calling thread can receive a message
inline uint32_t tinselCanRecv();

// Receive message
inline volatile void* tinselRecv();

// Indicate that we've finished with the given message.
inline void tinselFree(void* addr);

// Thread can be woken by a logical-OR of these events
typedef enum {TINSEL_CAN_SEND = 1, TINSEL_CAN_RECV = 2} TinselWakeupCond;

// Suspend thread until wakeup condition satisfied
inline void tinselWaitUntil(TinselWakeupCond cond);

// Send byte to host (over DebugLink UART)
// (Returns non-zero on success)
inline uint32_t tinselUartTryPut(uint8_t x);

// Receive byte from host (over DebugLink UART)
// (Byte returned in bits [7:0]; bit 8 indicates validity)
inline uint32_t tinselUartTryGet();

// Insert new thread into run queue
// (The new thread has a program counter of 0)
inline void tinselCreateThread(uint32_t id);

// Don't reinsert currently running thread back in to run queue
inline void tinselKillThread();

// Emit word to console (simulation only)
inline void tinselEmit(uint32_t x);

// Get address of the master host PC
// (That is, the PC from which the application was started)
inline uint32_t tinselHostId();

// Get address of any specified host PC
// (The Y coordinate specifies the row of the FPGA mesh that the
// host is connected to, and the X coordinate specifies whether it is
// the host on the left or the right of that row.)
inline uint32_t tinselBridgeId(uint32_t x, uint32_t y);

// Get address of host PC in same box as calling thread.
inline uint32_t tinselMyBridgeId();

// Given thread id, return base address of thread's partition in DRAM
inline uint32_t tinselHeapBaseGeneric(uint32_t id);

// Given thread id, return base address of thread's partition in SRAM
inline uint32_t tinselHeapBaseSRAMGeneric(uint32_t id);

// Return pointer to base of calling thread's DRAM partition
inline void* tinselHeapBase();

// Return pointer to base of calling thread's SRAM partition
inline void* tinselHeapBaseSRAM();

// Reset performance counters
inline void tinselPerfCountReset();

// Start performance counters
inline void tinselPerfCountStart();

// Stop performance counters
inline void tinselPerfCountStop();

// Performance counter: get the cache miss count
inline uint32_t tinselMissCount();

// Performance counter: get the cache hit count
inline uint32_t tinselHitCount();

// Performance counter: get the cache writeback count
inline uint32_t tinselWritebackCount();

// Performance counter: get the CPU-idle count
inline uint32_t tinselCPUIdleCount();

// Performance counter: get the CPU-idle count (upper 8 bits)
inline uint32_t tinselCPUIdleCountU();

// Read cycle counter (upper 8 bits)
inline uint32_t tinselCycleCountU();

// Performance counter: number of messages emitted by ProgRouter
// (Only valid from thread zero on each board)
inline uint32_t tinselProgRouterSent();

// Performance counter: number of inter-board messages emitted by ProgRouter
// (Only valid from thread zero on each board)
inline uint32_t tinselProgRouterSentInterBoard();

// Address construction
inline uint32_t tinselToAddr(
         uint32_t boardX, uint32_t boardY,
           uint32_t tileX, uint32_t tileY,
             uint32_t coreId, uint32_t threadId);

// Address deconstruction
inline void tinselFromAddr(uint32_t addr,
         uint32_t* boardX, uint32_t* boardY,
           uint32_t* tileX, uint32_t* tileY,
             uint32_t* coreId, uint32_t* threadId);

G. HostLink API

Only the main functionality of HostLink is presented here. For full details see HostLink.h and DebugLink.h.

class HostLink {

  // Dimensions of board mesh
  // (Set by the HostLink constructor)
  int meshXLen;
  int meshYLen;

  // Constructors
  HostLink(uint32_t numBoxesX, uint32_t numBoxesY);

  // Debug links
  // -----------

  // Access to FPGAs via their JTAG UARTs
  DebugLink* debugLink;

  // Send and receive messages over PCIe
  // -----------------------------------

  // Send a message (blocking by default)
  bool send(uint32_t dest, uint32_t numFlits, void* msg, bool block = true);

  // Try to send a message (non-blocking, returns true on success)
  bool trySend(uint32_t dest, uint32_t numFlits, void* msg);

  // Receive a single max-sized message (blocking)
  // Buffer must be at least 1<<LogBytesPerMsg bytes in size
  void recv(void* msg);

  // Can receive a message without blocking?
  bool canRecv();

  // Receive a message (blocking), given size of message in bytes
  // Any bytes beyond numBytes up to the next message boundary will be ignored
  void recvMsg(void* msg, uint32_t numBytes);

  // Send a message using routing key (blocking by default)
  bool keySend(uint32_t key, uint32_t numFlits, void* msg, bool block = true);

  // Try to send using routing key (non-blocking, returns true on success)
  bool keyTrySend(uint32_t key, uint32_t numFlits, void* msg);

  // Bulk send and receive
  // ---------------------

  // Receive multiple max-sized messages (blocking)
  void recvBulk(int numMsgs, void* msgs);

  // Receive multiple messages (blocking), given size of each message
  void recvMsgs(int numMsgs, int msgSize, void* msgs);

  // When enabled, use buffer for sending messages, permitting bulk writes
  // The buffer must be flushed to ensure data is sent
  // Currently, only blocking sends are supported in this mode
  bool useSendBuffer;

  // Flush the send buffer (when send buffering is enabled)
  void flush();

  // Address construction/deconstruction
  // -----------------------------------

  // Address construction
  uint32_t toAddr(uint32_t meshX, uint32_t meshY,
             uint32_t coreId, uint32_t threadId);

  // Address deconstruction
  void fromAddr(uint32_t addr, uint32_t* meshX, uint32_t* meshY,
         uint32_t* coreId, uint32_t* threadId);

  // Assuming the boot loader is running on the cores
  // ------------------------------------------------
  // (Only thread 0 on each core is active when the boot loader is running)

  // Load application code and data onto the mesh
  void boot(const char* codeFilename, const char* dataFilename);

  // Trigger to start application execution
  void go();

  // Set address for remote memory access to given board via given core
  // (This address is auto-incremented on loads and stores)
  void setAddr(uint32_t meshX, uint32_t meshY,
               uint32_t coreId, uint32_t addr);

  // Store words to remote memory on given board via given core
  void store(uint32_t meshX, uint32_t meshY,
             uint32_t coreId, uint32_t numWords, uint32_t* data);

  // Finer-grained control over application loading and execution
  // ------------------------------------------------------------

  // Load instructions into given core's instruction memory
  void loadInstrsOntoCore(const char* codeFilename,
         uint32_t meshX, uint32_t meshY, uint32_t coreId);

  // Load data via given core on given board
  void loadDataViaCore(const char* dataFilename,
         uint32_t meshX, uint32_t meshY, uint32_t coreId);

  // Start given number of threads on given core
  void startOne(uint32_t meshX, uint32_t meshY,
         uint32_t coreId, uint32_t numThreads);

  // Start all threads on all cores
  void startAll();

  // Trigger application execution on all started threads on given core
  void goOne(uint32_t meshX, uint32_t meshY, uint32_t coreId);

// HostLink parameters (used by the most general HostLink constructor)
struct HostLinkParams {
  // Number of boxes to use (default is 1x1)
  uint32_t numBoxesX;
  uint32_t numBoxesY;
  // Enable use of tinselSendSlotExtra() on threads (default is false)
  bool useExtraSendSlot;
class DebugLink {

  // Constructors
  DebugLink(uint32_t numBoxesX, uint32_t numBoxesY);
  DebugLink(DebugLinkParams params);

  // On given board, set destination core and thread
  void setDest(uint32_t boardX, uint32_t boardY,
                 uint32_t coreId, uint32_t threadId);

  // On given board, set destinations to core-local thread id on every core
  void setBroadcastDest(uint32_t boardX, uint32_t boardY, uint32_t threadId);

  // On given board, send byte to destination thread (StdIn)
  void put(uint32_t boardX, uint32_t boardY, uint8_t byte);

  // Receive byte (StdOut)
  void get(uint32_t* boardX, uint32_t* boardY,
             uint32_t* coreId, uint32_t* threadId, uint8_t* byte);

  // Is a data available for reading?
  bool canGet();

H. Limitations on RV32IMF

Tinsel implements the RV32IMF profile, except for the following:

  • System calls and debugging: ecall, ebreak.
  • Some CSR instructions: csrrs, csrrc, csrrwi, csrrsi, csrrci.
  • Integer division: div, divu, rem, remu.
  • Some floating point instructions: fsqrt, fmin, fmax, fclassify, fmadd, fnmadd, fmsub, fnmsub.
  • Misaligned loads and stores.

Other than integer division, none of these instructions (to our knowledge) are generated by the compiler if the -ffp-contract=off flag is passed to gcc. Only the csrrw instruction is provided for accessing CSRs. There is a script to check a compiled ELF for the presence of these unimplemented instructions (it will not detect misaligned loads and stores however).

We use Altera blocks to implement floating-point instructions and inerhit a number of limitations:

  • Invalid and inexact exception flags are not signalled.
  • One rounding mode only: round-to-nearest with ties-to-even.
  • Signed integer to floating-point conversion only: fcvt.s.w and fcvt.s.wu both convert from signed integers.
  • Floating-point to signed integer conversion only: fcvt.w.s and both convert to signed integers.
  • The fixed rounding mode leads to an incompatibility with the C standard when casting from a float to an int. See Issue #55 for more details.
  • The conversion instructions to not respect the RISC-V spec in the presence of NaNs and infinities.
  • Floating-point division may not be correctly rounded. See Issue #54 for more details.