ColorizingDMD is a software to colorize VPinMAME DMD using the Serum colorization format.
Click on the "releases" link on the right hand side of this page. Or Click Here
To install the editor, just download the zip from the "ColorizingDMD editor" directory and save it anywhere on your disk.
If you are using Windows 10 or more recent, right click on the file and choose "Properties". If in the Properties window, there is a box "Unblock" in the bottom right, check it and click "OK". Then uncompress the ZIP file.
There is a comprehensive tutorial here
You should also check the videos made by Dtatane here
Depending on whether you are using the 64bit or the 32bit version of VPinMame (if you don't know, chances are that you are using the 32bit version), download respectively the 2 files (DmdDevice.dll and DmdExt.exe) in "DMD-extensions x64" or "DMD-extensions x86" from the DMD Extensions download. Then copy them to your "VPinMame" directory. If you are using Windows 10 or more recent, right click on each file and choose "Properties". If in the Properties window, there is a box "Unblock" in the bottom right, check it and click "OK".