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Experimental Approach to McCormick Relaxation Source-Code Transformation


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This package uses source-code transformation to construct McCormick-based relaxations. Expressions composed of Symbolics.jl-type variables can be passed into SourceCodeMcCormick.jl (SCMC) functions, after which the expressions are factored, generalized McCormick relaxation rules and inclusion monotonic interval extensions are applied to the factors, and the factors are recombined symbolically to create expressions representing inclusion monotonic interval extensions, convex and concave relaxations, and subgradients of convex and concave relaxations of the original expression. The new expressions are compiled into functions that return pointwise values of these elements, which can be used in, e.g., a branch-and-bound routine. These functions can be used with floating-point values, vectors of floating-point values, or CUDA arrays of floating point values (using CUDA.jl) to return outputs of the same type. 64-bit (double-precision) numbers are recommended for relaxations to maintain accuracy.

Basic Functionality

The primary user-facing function is fgen ("function generator"). The fgen function returns a source-code-generated function that provides evaluations of convex and concave relaxations, inclusion monotonic interval extensions, convex relaxation subgradients, and concave relaxation subgradients, for an input symbolic expression. Inputs to the newly generated function are [currently] output to the REPL, and are sorted primarily by variable name and secondarily by the order {cv, cc, lo, hi}. E.g., if variables x and y are used, the input to the generated function will be {x_cv, x_cc, x_lo, x_hi, y_cv, y_cc, y_lo, y_hi}. A demonstration of how to use fgen is shown here, with the output compared to the multiple-dispatch-based McCormick.jl:

using SourceCodeMcCormick, Symbolics
Symbolics.@variables x, y
expr = exp(x/y) - (x*y^2)/(y+1)
new_func = fgen(expr)
xcv, xcc, xlo, xhi = 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 3.0
ycv, ycc, ylo, yhi = 0.7, 0.7, 0.1, 2.0

using McCormick
xMC = MC{2,NS}(1.0, Interval(0.5, 3.0), 1)
yMC = MC{2,NS}(0.7, Interval(0.1, 2.0), 2)

julia> new_func(xcv, xcc, xlo, xhi, ycv, ycc, ylo, yhi)  # SourceCodeMcCormick.jl
(0.22836802303235837, 2.963476144457207e12, -9.625065492403166, 1.068647458152446e13, -2.32490689757473, -3.629472627089296, 3.592092296310309e12, -8.980230740778097e11)

julia> exp(xMC/yMC) - (xMC*yMC^2)/(yMC+1)  # McCormick.jl
MC{2, NS}(0.22836802303235793, 2.963476144457207e12, [-9.62507, 1.06865e+13], [-2.3249068975747305, -3.6294726270892967], [3.592092296310309e12, -8.980230740778097e11], false)

In this example, the symbolic expression exp(x/y) - (x*y^2)/(y+1) is passed into fgen, which returns the function new_func. Passing inputs representing the McCormick tuples associated with x and y (i.e., cv and cc being the point to evaluate for that variable, and lo and hi being the variable bounds) into new_func returns pointwise evaluations of {cv, cc, lo, hi, [cvgrad]..., [ccgrad]...} for the original expression of exp(x/y) - (x*y^2)/(y+1) on the specified domain of x and y.

Functions generated using fgen are also built to be compatible with vectors and CuArrays. An example demonstrating this capability is shown here:

using SourceCodeMcCormick, Symbolics, CUDA
@variables x
expr = (x-0.5)^2+x
new_func = fgen(expr)

xcv_GPU = CUDA.rand(Float64, 1000000)
xcc_GPU = copy(xcv_GPU)
xlo_GPU = CUDA.zeros(Float64, 1000000)
xhi_GPU = CUDA.ones(Float64, 1000000)

outputs = new_func(xcv_GPU, xcc_GPU, xlo_GPU, xhi_GPU)

This example shows how the generated functions can be used with CUDA arrays. The outputs generated in this example are in the same format as for floating-point inputs ({cv, cc, lo, hi, [cvgrad]..., [ccgrad]...}), but instead of the outputs being floating-point values, they are each vectors of the same length as the inputs. This capability is useful when you want to evaluate relaxation or interval information for a large number of points, or points on different domains, simultaneously. In this example, the domain of x is left unchanged for all points for simplicity, but this is not a requirement: points on any domain can be passed within the same function evaluation; all points are evaluated independently.

Evaluating large numbers of points simultaneously, and particularly using a GPU, allows for faster relaxation calculations than performing individual calculations using a CPU. This is demonstrated in the following example:

using SourceCodeMcCormick, Symbolics, McCormick, CUDA, BenchmarkTools
Symbolics.@variables x, y
expr = exp(x/y) - (x*y^2)/(y+1)
new_func = fgen(expr)

# CuArray values for SCMC timing
xcv_GPU = CuArray(2.5*rand(1000000) .+ 0.5)
xcc_GPU = copy(xcv_GPU)
xlo_GPU = 0.5 .* CUDA.ones(Float64, 1000000)
xhi_GPU = 3.0 .* CUDA.ones(Float64, 1000000)
ycv_GPU = CuArray(1.9*rand(1000000) .+ 0.1)
ycc_GPU = copy(ycv_GPU)
ylo_GPU = 0.1 .* CUDA.ones(Float64, 1000000)
yhi_GPU = 2.0 .* CUDA.ones(Float64, 1000000)

# McCormick objects for McCormick.jl timing
xMC = MC{2,NS}(1.0, Interval(0.5, 3.0), 1)
yMC = MC{2,NS}(0.7, Interval(0.1, 2.0), 2)

##### Timing 
#   CPU: Intel i7-9850H
#   GPU: NVIDIA Quadro T2000

##### McCormick.jl
@btime exp($xMC/$yMC) - ($xMC*$yMC^2)/($yMC+1);
#   258.457 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

##### SourceCodeMcCormick.jl (using GPU)

# (Outputs still on GPU)
@btime CUDA.@sync new_func($xcv_GPU, $xcc_GPU, $xlo_GPU, $xhi_GPU, $ycv_GPU, $ycc_GPU, $ylo_GPU, $yhi_GPU);
#   48.756 ms (12795 allocations: 252.33 KiB)

#   Average time per evaluation = 48.756 ms / 1000000 = 48.756 ns
#   Note: Output is `NTuple{8, CuArray{Float64, 1, CUDA.DeviceMemory}}`

# (Outputs moved to CPU memory after calculation)
@btime CUDA.@sync Array.(new_func($xcv_GPU, $xcc_GPU, $xlo_GPU, $xhi_GPU, $ycv_GPU, $ycc_GPU, $ylo_GPU, $yhi_GPU));
#   68.897 ms (12853 allocations: 61.28 MiB)

#   Average time per evaluation = 68.897 ms / 1000000 = 68.897 ns
#   Note: Output is `NTuple{8, Vector{Float64}}`

As shown in the example, the functions generated by fgen can be very fast when used with CuArrays, and as shown in the previous example, they can provide the same information as McCormick.jl for a given input function. It is worth noting that if CuArrays are passed as inputs, the outputs of the generated function are also of type CuArray. I.e., if data stored in GPU memory is passed as inputs, the calculations occur on the GPU, and the outputs are also stored in GPU memory. This is most useful if you can make use of the results of the relaxation calculations directly on the GPU. If you must move the results back into CPU memory, this incurs a large time cost (as in the example: moving the results adds roughly 40% to the total time). An active research project is focused on improvements to the underlying SourceCodeMcCormick functionality that creates these functions which will even further improve the calculation speed.

Arguments for fgen

The fgen function can be called with only a Num-type expression as an input (as in the examples in the previous section), or with many other possible arguments that affect fgen's behavior. Some of these functionalities and their use cases are shown in this section.

1) Constants

For any call to fgen, the keyword argument constants may be used to specify that a Symbolic variable is not meant to be treated as a McCormick object but rather as an adjustable parameter that will always take on a specific, constant value. This affects how the symbol is treated by SourceCodeMcCormick internally, and will also affect how the symbol is input to the generated function.

using SourceCodeMcCormick, Symbolics
Symbolics.@variables x, y
expr = exp(x/y) - (x*y^2)/(y+1)

# Standard way of calling fgen:
new_func = fgen(expr)
xcv, xcc, xlo, xhi = 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 3.0
ycv, ycc, ylo, yhi = 0.7, 0.7, 0.1, 2.0

outputs = new_func(xcv, xcc, xlo, xhi, ycv, ycc, ylo, yhi)
#    Note that the order of inputs is {x, y}, where each is 
#    split into a McCormick tuple of {cv, cc, lo, hi}

# Treating "y" as a constant or adjustable parameter
new_func = fgen(expr, constants=[y])
y_fixed_val = 0.7

outputs = new_func(y_fixed_val, xcv, xcc, xlo, xhi)
#    Note that the order of the inputs is adjusted so that 
#    the constants come first. I.e., the ordering goes:
#    {{constants}, {McCormick variables}} = {y, x}
#    and then the McCormick variables are split into
#    their McCormick tuples, giving: {y, x_cv, x_cc, x_lo, x_hi}

Marking variables as constants makes the calculations simpler, and eliminates the need to give expanded McCormick tuples of symbols that will always represent a single value.

2) Specifying an Output Subset

In some cases, you may not want or need the full list of outputs {cv, cc, lo, hi, [cvgrad]..., [ccgrad]...}. E.g., if the generated function is being used in a subgradient-free lower-bounding routine within a branch-and-bound algorithm, you may only want {cv} or {cv, lo} as the outputs. Reducing the required outputs allows you to save space by not allocating unnecessary vectors or CuArrays, and it also speeds up the overall computation of the generated function by not performing unnecessary calculations. E.g., if the concave relaxation of the output is not required, the generated function will not calculate the concave relaxation in the final calculation step (though calculating the concave relaxation in intermediate steps may still be required to implement relaxation rules). Additionally, if no subgradient information is requested, the generated function can skip all subgradient calculations, since they do not impact the relaxation or inclusion monotonic interval calculations. Specifying the outputs can be done as follows:

using SourceCodeMcCormick, Symbolics
Symbolics.@variables x, y
expr = exp(x/y) - (x*y^2)/(y+1)

# When fgen is called, any combination of the following outputs can be used:
#   Symbol  |  Interpretation 
# -----------------------------------------
#      :cv  |  Convex relaxation
#      :cc  |  Concave relaxation
#      :lo  |  Lower bound of the interval extension
#      :hi  |  Upper bound of the interval extension
#  :cvgrad  |  Subgradient of the convex relaxation
#  :ccgrad  |  Subgradient of the concave relaxation
#      :MC  |  All of {cv, cc, lo, hi}
#    :grad  |  Both {cvgrad, ccgrad}
#     :all  |  All of {cv, cc, lo, hi, cvgrad, ccgrad} (DEFAULT)

# For example, to get only the convex relaxation and lower bound:
new_func = fgen(expr, [:cv, :lo])

3) Mutated Inputs

For any call to fgen, the keyword argument mutate may be used to specify that the generated function should modify a set of inputs rather than return newly generated vectors (or CuArrays). This functionality is meant to be used if generated functions are incorporated into a larger script and the space for the outputs has already been preallocated. Mutating functions will require extra inputs at the start of the input list which correspond to the desired outputs. This works in the following way:

using SourceCodeMcCormick, Symbolics
Symbolics.@variables x, y
expr = exp(x/y) - (x*y^2)/(y+1)
new_func! = fgen(expr, [:cv, :lo, :cvgrad], mutate=true)

# Inputs to new_func! are as follows:
# {OUT_cv, OUT_lo, OUT_∂x_cv, OUT_∂y_cv, x_cv, x_cc, x_lo, x_hi, y_cv, y_cc, y_lo, y_hi}

In this example, new_func! will no longer output any information. The results of any calculations are instead stored in the corresponding input spaces. Note that this only works with vectors and CuArrays, since you cannot preallocate a Float64. Although not necessary for mutate to work, this example also shows that specifying the outputs as [:cv, :lo, :cvgrad] means that mutating inputs are only required for the corresponding set of desired outputs. In thie case, storage for the convex relaxation, lower bound, subgradient with respect to x, and subgradient with respect to y must be provided as inputs. The usual McCormick tuples associated with the variables x and y are still required, and will always appear after the mutating inputs. If any constant symbols are used (see constants earlier in this section), the order will be {{mutating inputs}, {constants}, {McCormick variables}}, each of which is sorted alphabetically (and then expanded, for the McCormick variables, as usual).

4) Base-Level Variables

In some cases, it may be useful to use fgen multiple times to represent a very complicated expression, with the results connected together---or fed into one another---using generalized McCormick theory. This approach is not recommended in general, due to the added complexity it entails, but allowances for this approach are nontheless incorporated into fgen.

Specifically, fgen works by compiling a list of variables in the input expression, and then assumes that each input variable is a base-level variable (i.e., its relaxation subgradients are 0 in every dimension but its own, and 1 for its own dimension). For this reason, subgradient information is not a required input for generated functions (because it is assumed), but if you use a variable that is a composite of base-level variables, its subgradients cannot be so simply assumed. Here is an example of how this functionality may be used (though note that the example expression can easily be handled with a single call to fgen---this is only to show what this functionality does):

using SourceCodeMcCormick, Symbolics
Symbolics.@variables x, sub

### Full expression: (x+1)^2 * (x-1)

sub_expression = (x+1)^2
new_func1 = fgen(sub_expression) # Assumes that "x" is a base-level variable

#   Inputs to new_func1: 
#   {x_cv, x_cc, x_lo, x_hi}

new_expression = sub * (x-1)
new_func2 = fgen(new_expression, [x]) # Tells fgen that "sub" depends on x

#   Inputs to new_func2: 
#   {sub_cv, sub_cc, sub_lo, sub_hi, ∂sub∂x_cv, ∂sub∂x_cc, x_cv, x_cc, x_lo, x_hi}

Particularly, notice that for new_func2, it requires the inputs {sub, x} split into their McCormick tuples, but in addition, fgen is told that sub is not a base-level variable. I.e., its subgradient cannot be assumed to be 1 in its dimension, as it doesn't have its own unique dimension. Instead, it is some composite of the true base-level variable x, and thus, the subgradient of sub's convex and concave relaxations in the x dimension must also be provided as inputs.

Relatedly, there may be cases where you would want extra inputs to the generated functions even if they are not participating in the expression. For example, if you are incorporating constaints and an objective function into an optimization problem and are using fgen to calculate the relevant relaxations, but the constraints and objective function do not all use the same set of variables (e.g., some may participate in the objective function but not a constraint, or vice versa), it may be difficult for the optimizer to know ahead of time what variables participate in what constraint. One solution to this problem is to give each generated function full information of all participating variables across all constraints and the objective function. This is accomplished by specifying base-level variables and then passing the all_inputs keyword argument as true. For example:

using SourceCodeMcCormick, Symbolics
Symbolics.@variables x, y

# Constraint 1: (x + 2)^2 - 3 <= 0
cons1 = (x+2)^2 - 3
f_cons1 = fgen(cons1, [x, y], all_inputs=true)

#   Inputs are:
#   {x_cv, x_cc, x_lo, x_hi, y_cv, y_cc, y_lo, y_hi}

# Constraint 2: (y - 1)/(y + 1) - 0.9 <= 0
cons2 = (y-1)/(y+1) - 0.9
f_cons2 = fgen(cons2, [x, y], all_inputs=true)

#   Inputs are:
#   {x_cv, x_cc, x_lo, x_hi, y_cv, y_cc, y_lo, y_hi}

Notice here that although only x participated in constraint 1, and only y participated in constraint 2, the input list is the same for both constraints. This is because [x, y] was specified as the base-level variables, and all_inputs was set to true. By calling fgen in this way, an optimizer that used the generated functions for these constraints would only need to know that x and y participated in any/all of the expressions (i.e., the optimizer could be informed that there are 2 total variables, with no other extra information about the constraints or objective specifically). The optimizer might then loop over all the constraints and call the generated functions using the exact same list of inputs, and the generated functions would simply ignore any of the inputs that are not relevant for the given expression. Adding these outputs does not impact the speed of the generated functions, since the irrelevant inputs aren't used in any calculations.

The ParBB Algorithm

The intended use of SourceCodeMcCormick is in conjunction with a branch-and-bound algorithm that is able to make use of relaxations and subgradient information that are calculated in parallel on a GPU. See the paper reference in the section "Citing SourceCodeMcCormick" for a more complete description of the ParBB algorithm. Briefly, ParBB is built as an extension of the EAGO solver, and it works by parallelizing the node procesing routines in such a way that tasks may be performed by a GPU. This section will demonstrate how SourceCodeMcCormick may be used in conjunction with the ParBB algorithm to accelerate global optimization solutions.

A) Problem solved using base EAGO

The following example comes from an EAGO-notebooks page and involves the optimization of an ANN surrogate model. Here is how the problem is solved using the base implementation of EAGO, as given in the linked Jupyter Notebook:

using JuMP, EAGO, GLPK

# Weights associated with the hidden layer
W1 = [ 0.54  -1.97  0.09  -2.14  1.01  -0.58  0.45  0.26;
     -0.81  -0.74  0.63  -1.60 -0.56  -1.05  1.23  0.93;
     -0.11  -0.38 -1.19   0.43  1.21   2.78 -0.06  0.40]

# Weights associated with the output layer
W2 = [-0.91 0.11 0.52]

# Bias associated with the hidden layer
B1 = [-2.698 0.012 2.926]

# Bias associated with the output layer
B2 = -0.46

# Variable bounds (Used to scale variables after optimization)
xLBD = [0.623, 0.093, 0.259, 6.56, 1114,  0.013, 0.127, 0.004]
xUBD = [5.89,  0.5,   1.0,   90,   25000, 0.149, 0.889, 0.049];

# Create the objective function
ann_cpu(p1::T, p2::T, p3::T, p4::T, p5::T, p6::T, p7::T, p8::T) where {T<:Real} = 
    ann_cpu(W1, W2, B1, B2, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8)
function ann_cpu(W1::Matrix{Float64}, W2::Matrix{Float64}, B1::Matrix{Float64}, B2::Float64, 
                p1::T, p2::T, p3::T, p4::T, p5::T, p6::T, p7::T, p8::T) where {T<:Real}
     y1 = W1[1,1]*p1 + W1[1,2]*p2 + W1[1,3]*p3 + W1[1,4]*p4 + W1[1,5]*p5 + W1[1,6]*p6 + W1[1,7]*p7 + W1[1,8]*p8
     y2 = W1[2,1]*p1 + W1[2,2]*p2 + W1[2,3]*p3 + W1[2,4]*p4 + W1[2,5]*p5 + W1[2,6]*p6 + W1[2,7]*p7 + W1[2,8]*p8
     y3 = W1[3,1]*p1 + W1[3,2]*p2 + W1[3,3]*p3 + W1[3,4]*p4 + W1[3,5]*p5 + W1[3,6]*p6 + W1[3,7]*p7 + W1[3,8]*p8

     # Note: the objective is already minimized here, relative to the Jupyter notebook
     return -(B2 + W2[1]*(2/(1+exp(-2*y1+B1[1]))) + W2[2]*(2/(1+exp(-2*y2+B1[2]))) + W2[3]*(2/(1+exp(-2*y3+B1[3]))))

# Model construction
factory = () -> EAGO.Optimizer(SubSolvers(r = GLPK.Optimizer()))
model = Model(optimizer_with_attributes(factory, "absolute_tolerance" => 0.001, 
                                                 "output_iterations" => 10000))
@variable(model, -1.0 <= p[i=1:8] <= 1.0)
@NLobjective(model, Min, ann_cpu(p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7], p[8]))

# Solve the model

Running this code (after an initial compilation run) generates the following output:

|  Iteration #  |     Nodes     |  Lower Bound  |  Upper Bound  |      Gap      |     Ratio     |     Timer     |   Time Left   |
|         10000 |          8059 |    -7.680E-01 |    -7.048E-01 |     6.319E-02 |     8.228E-02 |         13.19 |       3586.81 |
|         20000 |         14199 |    -7.495E-01 |    -7.048E-01 |     4.470E-02 |     5.964E-02 |         17.50 |       3582.50 |
|         30000 |         19415 |    -7.375E-01 |    -7.048E-01 |     3.268E-02 |     4.432E-02 |         20.71 |       3579.29 |
|         40000 |         24013 |    -7.297E-01 |    -7.048E-01 |     2.494E-02 |     3.418E-02 |         23.85 |       3576.15 |
|         50000 |         28091 |    -7.243E-01 |    -7.048E-01 |     1.953E-02 |     2.697E-02 |         26.78 |       3573.22 |
|         60000 |         31383 |    -7.203E-01 |    -7.048E-01 |     1.551E-02 |     2.153E-02 |         29.45 |       3570.55 |
|         70000 |         33939 |    -7.172E-01 |    -7.048E-01 |     1.240E-02 |     1.729E-02 |         32.50 |       3567.50 |
|         80000 |         34973 |    -7.147E-01 |    -7.048E-01 |     9.958E-03 |     1.393E-02 |         35.00 |       3565.00 |
|         90000 |         34771 |    -7.127E-01 |    -7.048E-01 |     7.905E-03 |     1.109E-02 |         37.48 |       3562.52 |
|  Iteration #  |     Nodes     |  Lower Bound  |  Upper Bound  |      Gap      |     Ratio     |     Timer     |   Time Left   |
|        100000 |         32945 |    -7.110E-01 |    -7.048E-01 |     6.177E-03 |     8.688E-03 |         39.96 |       3560.04 |
|        110000 |         28647 |    -7.095E-01 |    -7.048E-01 |     4.708E-03 |     6.635E-03 |         42.31 |       3557.69 |
|        120000 |         22075 |    -7.082E-01 |    -7.048E-01 |     3.463E-03 |     4.889E-03 |         44.65 |       3555.35 |
|        130000 |         14571 |    -7.072E-01 |    -7.048E-01 |     2.416E-03 |     3.417E-03 |         46.84 |       3553.16 |
|        140000 |          6497 |    -7.063E-01 |    -7.048E-01 |     1.536E-03 |     2.175E-03 |         48.94 |       3551.06 |
|        147217 |             0 |    -7.058E-01 |    -7.048E-01 |     1.000E-03 |     1.417E-03 |         50.38 |       3549.62 |

Empty Stack: Exhaustive Search Finished
Optimal Solution Found at Node 2725
Lower Bound: -0.705776904710031
Upper Bound: -0.704776806738834
   p[1] = -0.9999999998903418
   p[2] = 0.9999999864966321
   p[3] = -0.9999999997346657
   p[4] = 0.166800526340091
   p[5] = -0.7772932141668214
   p[6] = 0.9999999999319428
   p[7] = 0.9999999998522763
   p[8] = 0.9999999998842807

In particular, note that this problem solved in 147,217 iterations after a total time of 50.38 seconds. These times were obtained on a workstation with an Intel i7-9850H processor.

B) Problem solved with ParBB (subgradient-free)

Next, the same example will be solved by making use of a function generated by SourceCodeMcCormick and the subgradient-free routines present in ParBB. This functionality is described in greater detail in the referenced paper (see "Citing SourceCodeMcCormick"). Briefly, pointwise evaluations of the convex relaxation of the objective function are used to calculate a valid lower bound in each iteration. By grouping together pointwise evaluations for a large number of branch-and-bound nodes at the same time and calculating them using SourceCodeMcCormick generated functions, we can make use of the massive parallelization available using GPUs.

using JuMP, EAGO, SourceCodeMcCormick, Symbolics, DocStringExtensions CUDA

# Import the ParBB algorithm
BASE_FOLDER = dirname(dirname(pathof(SourceCodeMcCormick)))
include(joinpath(BASE_FOLDER, "examples", "ParBB", "extension.jl"))
include(joinpath(BASE_FOLDER, "examples", "ParBB", "subroutines.jl"))
include(joinpath(BASE_FOLDER, "examples", "ParBB", "kernels.jl"))

# Weights associated with the hidden layer
W1 = [ 0.54  -1.97  0.09  -2.14  1.01  -0.58  0.45  0.26;
     -0.81  -0.74  0.63  -1.60 -0.56  -1.05  1.23  0.93;
     -0.11  -0.38 -1.19   0.43  1.21   2.78 -0.06  0.40]

# Weights associated with the output layer
W2 = [-0.91 0.11 0.52]

# Bias associated with the hidden layer
B1 = [-2.698 0.012 2.926]

# Bias associated with the output layer
B2 = -0.46

# Variable bounds (Used to scale variables after optimization)
xLBD = [0.623, 0.093, 0.259, 6.56, 1114,  0.013, 0.127, 0.004]
xUBD = [5.89,  0.5,   1.0,   90,   25000, 0.149, 0.889, 0.049];

# Create a SourceCodeMcCormick generated function for the objective function
Symbolics.@variables x[1:8]
ann_function = fgen(-(B2 + W2[1]*(2/(1+exp(-2*sum(W1[1,i]*x[i] for i=1:8)+B1[1]))) + 
                    W2[2]*(2/(1+exp(-2*sum(W1[2,i]*x[i] for i=1:8)+B1[2]))) + 
                    W2[3]*(2/(1+exp(-2*sum(W1[3,i]*x[i] for i=1:8)+B1[3])))), [:cv])

# Create the objective function
ann_cpu(p1::T, p2::T, p3::T, p4::T, p5::T, p6::T, p7::T, p8::T) where {T<:Real} = 
    ann_cpu(W1, W2, B1, B2, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8)
function ann_cpu(W1::Matrix{Float64}, W2::Matrix{Float64}, B1::Matrix{Float64}, B2::Float64, 
                p1::T, p2::T, p3::T, p4::T, p5::T, p6::T, p7::T, p8::T) where {T<:Real}
     y1 = W1[1,1]*p1 + W1[1,2]*p2 + W1[1,3]*p3 + W1[1,4]*p4 + W1[1,5]*p5 + W1[1,6]*p6 + W1[1,7]*p7 + W1[1,8]*p8
     y2 = W1[2,1]*p1 + W1[2,2]*p2 + W1[2,3]*p3 + W1[2,4]*p4 + W1[2,5]*p5 + W1[2,6]*p6 + W1[2,7]*p7 + W1[2,8]*p8
     y3 = W1[3,1]*p1 + W1[3,2]*p2 + W1[3,3]*p3 + W1[3,4]*p4 + W1[3,5]*p5 + W1[3,6]*p6 + W1[3,7]*p7 + W1[3,8]*p8

     # Note: the objective is already minimized here, relative to the Jupyter notebook
     return -(B2 + W2[1]*(2/(1+exp(-2*y1+B1[1]))) + W2[2]*(2/(1+exp(-2*y2+B1[2]))) + W2[3]*(2/(1+exp(-2*y3+B1[3]))))

# Model construction
factory = () -> EAGO.Optimizer(SubSolvers(t = PointwiseGPU(ann_function, # Function returning [:cv] for the objective function
                                                                      8, # Dimensionality of ann_function
                                                        node_limit=8192, # Number of nodes to process per iteration
                                                           gc_freq=50))) # Frequency of garbage collection
model = Model(optimizer_with_attributes(factory, "absolute_tolerance" => 0.001, 
                                                "enable_optimize_hook" => true, # Enables PointwiseGPU extension
                                  "branch_variable" => Bool[true for i in 1:8], # Explicitly tell EAGO to branch on all variables
                                                  "force_global_solve" => true, # Ignore EAGO's problem type detection
                                                    "output_iterations" => 10))
@variable(model, -1.0 <= p[i=1:8] <= 1.0)
@NLobjective(model, Min, ann_cpu(p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7], p[8]))

# Solve the model

Running this code (after an initial compilation run) generates the following output:

|  Iteration #  |     Nodes     |  Lower Bound  |  Upper Bound  |      Gap      |     Ratio     |     Timer     |   Time Left   |
|            10 |         47818 |    -8.337E-01 |    -7.048E-01 |     1.289E-01 |     1.546E-01 |          0.47 |       3599.53 |
|            20 |        117316 |    -7.703E-01 |    -7.048E-01 |     6.549E-02 |     8.503E-02 |          0.83 |       3599.17 |
|            30 |        162052 |    -7.608E-01 |    -7.048E-01 |     5.604E-02 |     7.365E-02 |          1.26 |       3598.74 |
|            40 |        177018 |    -7.473E-01 |    -7.048E-01 |     4.254E-02 |     5.693E-02 |          1.74 |       3598.26 |
|            50 |        161712 |    -7.411E-01 |    -7.048E-01 |     3.632E-02 |     4.901E-02 |          2.62 |       3597.38 |
|            60 |        128062 |    -7.293E-01 |    -7.048E-01 |     2.453E-02 |     3.363E-02 |          3.17 |       3596.83 |
|            70 |         73936 |    -7.211E-01 |    -7.048E-01 |     1.631E-02 |     2.262E-02 |          3.76 |       3596.24 |
|            80 |         11916 |    -7.180E-01 |    -7.048E-01 |     1.321E-02 |     1.841E-02 |          4.36 |       3595.64 |
|            82 |          4560 |    -7.051E-01 |    -7.048E-01 |     3.648E-04 |     5.173E-04 |          4.42 |       3595.58 |

Relative Tolerance Achieved
Optimal Solution Found at Node 1
Lower Bound: -0.7051415840592385
Upper Bound: -0.7047768067379733
   p[1] = -0.9999999998903418
   p[2] = 0.9999999864976372
   p[3] = -0.9999999997346648
   p[4] = 0.16680027211461484
   p[5] = -0.777292487172587
   p[6] = 0.9999999999319427
   p[7] = 0.9999999998522755
   p[8] = 0.9999999998842802

Using the subgradient-free method, and processing 8192 nodes per iteration, this problem converged in 82 iterations (roughly 671,744 nodes explored), with a total time of 4.42 seconds. These times were obtained on a workstation with an Intel i7-9850H processor and an NVIDIA Quadro T2000 GPU. Using a GPU with a greater capacity for double-precision floating point calculations will, of course, improve the overall performance of the algorithm, but even with a fairly "typical" GPU such as this, relatively competitive speed can be obtained. As compared to the base version of EAGO (which makes use of subgradients), this example ran roughly 11x faster.

It is also important to note that, because a subgradient-free method was used, the lower bounds for any individual branch-and-bound node are not as tight as those that can be obtained using subgradient-based methods. This is one reason why ParBB needed to explore significantly more nodes than the base version of EAGO (nearly 5x as many nodes were explored in this case). The limitation of not using subgradients can also cause some optimization problems to converge extremely slowly (see the examples in the paper referenced in "Citing SourceCodeMcCormick"). For this reason, all standard global optimizers make use of subgradient information.

C) Problem solved with ParBB (using subgradients)

NOTE: The use of subgradients in ParBB is an active area of research and remains under development. Associated papers are forthcoming regarding the incorporation of subgradients into SourceCodeMcCormick and the use of them within ParBB.

One of the latest developments for SourceCodeMcCormick is the incorporation of subgradient information into the functions generated by fgen. The ability to calculate subgradients using a GPU enables subgradient-based lower-bounding methods to be used, provided that a routine is available that can make use of them. Typically, subgradients are used to generate a linear program (LP) that underapproximates the convex relaxation(s) in a given problem. The LP for a given node is then passed to a dedicated LP solver such as GLPK as in part (A) of this section.

In ParBB, a large number of branch-and-bound nodes are evaluated simultaneously, meaning subgradients for many nodes are generated simultaneously, with the results stored in GPU memory. To use these subgradients, ParBB needs a GPU-based LP solver that is capable of handling many LPs simultaneously: one for each branch-and-bound node. This has been accomplished by adapting the two-phase simplex method to perform each individual step on many separate LPs stacked together in the same matrix (similar to many simplex tableaus stacked on top of each other, or a "stacked tableau"). The individual simplex steps are performed using custom kernels that parallelize the operations on the GPU.

Note that the use of the two-phase simplex method is not meant to imply that this method of solving LPs is superior to the other possible methods. It was implemented primarily as a proof-of-concept tool to demonstrate how subgradient information could be used within a GPU-accelerated branch-and-bound algorithm. Other options are being explored that may be significantly more efficient than the current implementation. The following shows how SourceCodeMcCormick's new subgradient feature may be used with ParBB.

using JuMP, EAGO, SourceCodeMcCormick, Symbolics, DocStringExtensions, CUDA

# Import the ParBB algorithm
BASE_FOLDER = dirname(dirname(pathof(SourceCodeMcCormick)))
include(joinpath(BASE_FOLDER, "examples", "ParBB", "extension.jl"))
include(joinpath(BASE_FOLDER, "examples", "ParBB", "subroutines.jl"))
include(joinpath(BASE_FOLDER, "examples", "ParBB", "kernels.jl"))

# Weights associated with the hidden layer
W1 = [ 0.54  -1.97  0.09  -2.14  1.01  -0.58  0.45  0.26;
     -0.81  -0.74  0.63  -1.60 -0.56  -1.05  1.23  0.93;
     -0.11  -0.38 -1.19   0.43  1.21   2.78 -0.06  0.40]

# Weights associated with the output layer
W2 = [-0.91 0.11 0.52]

# Bias associated with the hidden layer
B1 = [-2.698 0.012 2.926]

# Bias associated with the output layer
B2 = -0.46

# Variable bounds (Used to scale variables after optimization)
xLBD = [0.623, 0.093, 0.259, 6.56, 1114,  0.013, 0.127, 0.004]
xUBD = [5.89,  0.5,   1.0,   90,   25000, 0.149, 0.889, 0.049];

# Create a SourceCodeMcCormick generated function for the objective function
Symbolics.@variables x[1:8]
ann_function! = fgen(-(B2 + W2[1]*(2/(1+exp(-2*sum(W1[1,i]*x[i] for i=1:8)+B1[1]))) + 
                    W2[2]*(2/(1+exp(-2*sum(W1[2,i]*x[i] for i=1:8)+B1[2]))) + 
                    W2[3]*(2/(1+exp(-2*sum(W1[3,i]*x[i] for i=1:8)+B1[3])))), [:cv, :lo, :cvgrad], mutate=true)

# Create the objective function
ann_cpu(p1::T, p2::T, p3::T, p4::T, p5::T, p6::T, p7::T, p8::T) where {T<:Real} = 
    ann_cpu(W1, W2, B1, B2, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8)
function ann_cpu(W1::Matrix{Float64}, W2::Matrix{Float64}, B1::Matrix{Float64}, B2::Float64, 
                p1::T, p2::T, p3::T, p4::T, p5::T, p6::T, p7::T, p8::T) where {T<:Real}
     y1 = W1[1,1]*p1 + W1[1,2]*p2 + W1[1,3]*p3 + W1[1,4]*p4 + W1[1,5]*p5 + W1[1,6]*p6 + W1[1,7]*p7 + W1[1,8]*p8
     y2 = W1[2,1]*p1 + W1[2,2]*p2 + W1[2,3]*p3 + W1[2,4]*p4 + W1[2,5]*p5 + W1[2,6]*p6 + W1[2,7]*p7 + W1[2,8]*p8
     y3 = W1[3,1]*p1 + W1[3,2]*p2 + W1[3,3]*p3 + W1[3,4]*p4 + W1[3,5]*p5 + W1[3,6]*p6 + W1[3,7]*p7 + W1[3,8]*p8

     # Note: the objective is already minimized here, relative to the Jupyter notebook
     return -(B2 + W2[1]*(2/(1+exp(-2*y1+B1[1]))) + W2[2]*(2/(1+exp(-2*y2+B1[2]))) + W2[3]*(2/(1+exp(-2*y3+B1[3]))))

# Model construction
factory = () -> EAGO.Optimizer(SubSolvers(; t = SimplexGPU_ObjAndCons(ann_function!, # Mutating function returning [:cv, :lo, :cvgrad] for the objective function
                                                                                  8, # Dimensionality of ann_function!
                                                                    node_limit=8192, # Number of nodes to process per iteration
                                                                       max_cuts=1))) # Number of points/subgradients to evaluate per node
model = Model(optimizer_with_attributes(factory, "enable_optimize_hook" => true,
                                   "branch_variable" => Bool[true for i in 1:8],
                                                   "force_global_solve" => true,
                                                     "output_iterations" => 10))
@variable(model, -1.0 <= p[i=1:8] <= 1.0)
@NLobjective(model, Min, ann_cpu(p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7], p[8]))

# Solve the model

Running this code (after an initial compilation run) generates the following output:

|  Iteration #  |     Nodes     |  Lower Bound  |  Upper Bound  |      Gap      |     Ratio     |     Timer     |   Time Left   |
|            10 |         16280 |    -7.754E-01 |    -7.048E-01 |     7.067E-02 |     9.113E-02 |          0.45 |       3599.55 |
|            20 |         59342 |    -7.353E-01 |    -7.048E-01 |     3.055E-02 |     4.154E-02 |          1.09 |       3598.91 |
|            30 |         46048 |    -7.108E-01 |    -7.048E-01 |     5.983E-03 |     8.418E-03 |          1.85 |       3598.15 |
|            40 |          2240 |    -7.058E-01 |    -7.048E-01 |     9.852E-04 |     1.396E-03 |          2.33 |       3597.67 |

Absolute Tolerance Achieved
Optimal Solution Found at Node 1
Lower Bound: -0.7057619894307733
Upper Bound: -0.7047768067379733
   p[1] = -0.9999999998903418
   p[2] = 0.9999999864976372
   p[3] = -0.9999999997346648
   p[4] = 0.16680027211461484
   p[5] = -0.777292487172587
   p[6] = 0.9999999999319427
   p[7] = 0.9999999998522755
   p[8] = 0.9999999998842802

As in the previous examples, these results were generated using an Intel i7-9850H processor and an NVIDIA Quadro T2000 GPU. Effectively, ParBB is running precisely the same lower-bounding routine as the base version of the global solver EAGO, except that the routine is being performed in parallel on a GPU rather than serially on the CPU. This example converges in 40 iterations of at most 8192 nodes per iteration, for a total of roughly 327,680 nodes explored, and reaches its solution in 2.33 seconds. As compared to the base version of EAGO, this implementation of ParBB solves the problem roughly 22x faster. As in the previous subsection, it should be noted that a GPU with better double-precision floating-point calculation throughput would yield even faster results.

It is also interesting to note that roughly twice as many nodes were explored in this example as compared to the base version of EAGO, despite the same lower-bounding method being used. There are several factors that could be affecting this result. First, it should be noted that not every iteration of ParBB may be processing the full 8192 nodes. If fewer than 8192 nodes are available in the branch-and-bound stack, ParBB will simply use every node in the stack. Thus, the estimate of 8192*40 nodes is conservatively high. Second, because ParBB processes nodes in parallel, decisions about which node(s) to explore next and which nodes should be fathomed will almost certainly differ from a serial implementation. Parallel processing results in processing some nodes that would have been fathomed in a serial implementation, thereby increasing the total node count for parallel branch-and-bound algorithms. The benefit, then, is that ParBB is able to make use of the faster computing hardware of GPUs, and even with more nodes being processed, can converge more quickly overall.


(See "Citing SourceCodeMcCormick" for limitations on a pre-subgradient version of SourceCodeMcCormick.)

  • SCMC is currently compatible with elementary arithmetic operations +, -, *, /, and the univariate intrinsic functions ^2 and exp. More diverse functions will be added in the future
  • Due to the large number of floating point calculations required to calculate McCormick-based relaxations, it is highly recommended to use double-precision floating point numbers, including for operations on a GPU. Since most GPUs are designed for single-precision floating point operation, forcing double-precision will often result in a significant performance hit. GPUs designed for scientific computing, with a higher proportion of double-precision-capable cores, are recommended for optimal performance with SCMC.
  • Due to the high branching factor of McCormick-based relaxations and the possibility of warp divergence, there will likely be a slight performance gap between optimization problems with variables covering positive-only domains and problems containing variables with mixed domains. Additionally, more complicated expressions where the structure of a McCormick relaxation changes more frequently with respect to the bounds on its domain may perform worse than expressions where the structure of the relaxation is more consistent.

Citing SourceCodeMcCormick

Please cite the following paper when using SourceCodeMcCormick.jl. In plain text form this is:

Gottlieb, R. X., Xu, P., and Stuber, M. D. Automatic source code generation for deterministic
global optimization with parallel architectures. Optimization Methods and Software, 1–39 (2024).
DOI: 10.1080/10556788.2024.2396297

A BibTeX entry is given below:

  author    = {Robert X. Gottlieb, Pengfei Xu, and Matthew D. Stuber},
  journal   = {Optimization Methods and Software},
  title     = {Automatic source code generation for deterministic global optimization with parallel architectures},
  year      = {2024},
  pages     = {1--39},
  doi       = {10.1080/10556788.2024.2396297},
  eprint    = {},
  publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
  url       = {},


  1. M.E. Wilhelm, R.X. Gottlieb, and M.D. Stuber, PSORLab/McCormick.jl (2020), URL
  2. T. Besard, C. Foket, and B. De Sutter, Effective extensible programming: Unleashing Julia on GPUs, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (2018).
  3. Y. Ma, S. Gowda, R. Anantharaman, C. Laughman, V. Shah, C. Rackauckas, ModelingToolkit: A composable graph transformation system for equation-based modeling. arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.05244, 2021. doi: 10.48550/ARXIV.2103.05244.


Experimental Approach to McCormick Relaxation Source-Code Transformation







No packages published

Contributors 4

