A RxJS powered state management container heavily inspired by Redux.
Because reactive by default is a good thing and Redux is too much tied to React! Plus, we wanted to have some sensible defaults, like FSA for actions.
- Same API: We tried to stay compatible with the Redux API, so existing middleware and other plugins will work as expected!
- Observable State: The store will also expose a
stream, which is just a regularObservable
. This means you can use all the sweet Rx operators! - Real State Change: Redux will always call every listener, when an action is dispatched. Because of RxJS listener will only be notified if the state has actually changed.
- Partial State Update: Sometimes you're only interested in a subset of the state tree.
is a helper method, exposed by thestore
to easily select state members, much like @ngrx/store. - Framkework Agnostic: Use it for whatever you want.
- Intellisense: Thanks to TypeScript.
$ npm install rxjs ptw-store --save
import { Action, Reducer, createStore } from '@ptw/store';
* This may look familiar!
* Reducers have a generic type, which helps to keep track of
* the state a reducer mutates.
const counter:Reducer<number> = ( state=0, action ) => {
switch(action.type) {
return state + 1
return state - 1
return state
* Generics indicate the type of the state (=`number`) and the allowed
* types of actions that can be dispatched to the store (=`Action`).
const store = createStore<number, Action>(counter);
* Subscribe directly to the observable or do a regular subscription.
* NOTE: Unlike Redux listeners will be called with the current `state`. But
* you can always fall back to `getState()`.
store.subscribe( state => console.log(state) );
store.state$.subscribe( state => console.log(state) );
* Dispatch as usual.
store.dispatch({ type: 'INCREMENT' });
store.dispatch({ type: 'INCREMENT' });
store.dispatch({ type: 'DECREMENT' });
import { Action, combineReducers, createStore } from '@ptw/store';
* Combining reducers works much like it does with Redux.
interface Counter {
const reducer = combineReducers<Counter>({
counter: (state = 0, action) =>
action.type === 'increment' ? state + 1 : state,
stack: (state = [], action) =>
action.type === 'push' ? [ ...state, action.payload ] : state
* In this case the reducers also define the store's state.
const store = createStore<Counter, Action>(reducer);
* Yay, autocomplete!
const current = store.getState();
import { applyMiddleware, createStore } from './src/index';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import reducer from './reducer';
* Aplly middleware like you're used to.
const store = createStore(
- Build:
npm run build
- Test:
npm run test
- Develop:
npm run watch
- Integrate ImmutableJS as state.