Developed by Palas - 2023
in the root dir where the khanemehr is located in , make a .env file at fill it as this :
SECRET_KEY = 'django-insecure-<your-secret-key>'
DEBUG = True # whatever you prefer to have it true which means debug in on and your developin
# or set it to False which means the project is on production
and after that set up a venv and activate it in the main dir:
python -m venv <your-venv-name>
cd <your-venv-name>/Scripts/
#if youre using windows powershell then run this
after that its time to install libraries needed which include django , Pillow and more...
pip3 install -r pkgneeded.txt
to use db features and models in this repo you need to migrate them , then:
#the app name is optional , you can dont use it and still getting all migratios
python makemigrations <app_name>
python migrate
to use styles in this repo you need to run this commond which collect staticfiles:
python collectstatic
and then create super user and probably you're done! ❤️
python createsuperuser
#then enter a username and password , the email is optional !