Developed by V1Z/Palas - 2024
pip3 install divar
Divar lib support both async and sync programming so youre free to use which one you like
from divar import Client # its async client.
from divar import sync_client # its sync client as its name seggests!
AsyncDivarBot = Client()
SyncDivarBot = sync_client()
For that you just to need to call GetCategory
method on your client object.
Example :
#async version be like :
await AsyncDivarBot.GetCategory('CityName', 'Category-Name' , *args , *kwargs)
#sync version be like :
SyncDivarBot.GetCategory('CityName', 'Category-Name' , *args , *kwargs)
Its new feature added to lib for your requests and support <3 as method above i saied you need to call it from the client instance. pass the query and also you can pass city codes to get more accurate posts from your city
#async version without cities specified returns posts all over IRAN
await AsyncDivarBot.Search(query = 'iPhone 13')
#async version but cities specified > code hints : mashhad -> 3 , tehran -> 1 , isfahan -> 4
await AsyncDivarBot.Search(query = 'iPhone 13' , cities = [1,3,4])
#<-------------------------Sync version-------------------------/>
#sync version without cities specified returns posts all over IRAN
syncDivarBot.Search(query = 'iPhone 13')
#sync version but cities specified > code hints : mashhad -> 3 , tehran -> 1 , isfahan -> 4
syncDivarBot.Search(query = 'iPhone 13' , cities = [1,3,4])
Every post in has a Unique identifier named as Token. you can find them at the end of url bar of a post or in methods below.
with GetPost
method you can get info about the post like :
and etc.
#<---------------------------Async Version-------------------------/>
await AsyncDivarBot.GetPost('Token')
#<---------------------------sync Version-------------------------/>
Its new Feature implented abvisouly for your requests.
Authentication is 2 step process , first you need to get otp code to your phone number
you can get that with sign
method which is not friendly cause can be used for spamming since
divar doesnt have anti spam algorithm or preventaion with their message service
Second you need to login with that otp code on your phone number which returns a jwt-token to
work with special methods (login needed) like GetNumber
, you can do the second one with
method which needs your phone number and otp code.
#<---------------------------Async Version-------------------------/>
await AsyncDivarBot.sign('0987654321') # send otp code (6digits) to the number if returns True else Flase.
#Now you need to login with the otp code (if login successful youre free to use special methods i said above)
await AsyncDivarBot.login('0987654321' , '123456')
#<---------------------------Sync Version-------------------------/>
syncDivarBot.sign('0987654321') # send otp code (6digits) to the number if returns True else Flase.
#Now you need to login with the otp code (if login successful youre free to use special methods i said above)
syncDivarBot.login('0987654321' , '123456')
Its login required method so if you didnt login with above method it will ask for your number and your otp code and itll login you if youre not , pass the Token of post as first arg.
#<---------------------------Async Version-------------------------/>
await AsyncDivarBot.GetNumber('PostToken')
#<---------------------------Sync Version-------------------------/>
- Divar Chat
- Map specifing
- and more...