Releases: PanIndustrial-Org/
Releases · PanIndustrial-Org/
More Fix Dedupes
v0_2_2 - 2024-09-24
- Additional Dedups for Requests
Fixed Dupes
v0_2_1 - 2024-09-24
- Errored Subscriptions will no longer throw duplicate warnings.
Query Fix, Block Fix, Convenience
v0_2_0 - 2024-09-24
- Converted Indexes to use BTree to force deterministic ordering. Lookup occurs in index for every query with a prev argument. The query selects the next minimum payment or subscription by ID if the specified item has been deleted
- The label for the productId field has been fixed for the 79subCreate block.
- productId, account, targetAccount, and service added to the Service.Product type as a convenience field as it reduces a call to get subscription to retrieve those values.
Docs and Mops
Very Very Alpha
Add Balance Checker
Still Very Very Alpha
Still Very Very Alpha.
Very Very Alpha
Initial Release