- add files (tfam, tped, pheno, covar) to the epistasis/data/ directory
- copy fixpheno.sh file into the epistasis/data/ directory
- run the command
sh fixpheno.sh PREFIX
where PREFIX is the actual prefix for the data set - move to the epistasis/ directory
- run the command
python epistasis_pipeline.py PREFIX --covar
(with additional arguments as necessary)
Note: for a detailed list of additional arguments, run the commandpython epistasis_pipeline.py -h
- wait while pipeline runs
- transfer the directory results/ back to the server
- check the condor_out/ directory for any errors
- clear out the data/ directory for next time
- Sometimes the "condor_q" command fails and quits the program unexpectedly. In this case, rerun the pipeline
- Ensure that files scripts/fastlmmc, scripts/plink, fixpheno.sh are executable (green). If not run the command
chmod +x FILE_NAME