The goal of this library is to make shell scripting easier for everyone. Your shell of preference should not matter!
This script will not change the state of your variables. Meaning that if a function needs to declare a variable it will save the previous value and reset the variable's value after execution.
- Generate the script:
- The script will be in dist, move it into your own project.
- Add this to the beginning of your script:
. <Path_To_New_Location>/shunc
. $HOME/dev/password_check/lib/shunc
[ "$(_length $1)" -gt 8 ] && echo PASS || echo FAIL
You can find documentation for the various functions on the wiki.
docker run -e SHELLCHECK_OPTS="-e SC1091" -v "$PWD:/mnt" koalaman/shellcheck <Path_To_File>
- Follow Retrieve all submodules
sh <Path_To_Test>
git submodule update --remote --recursive --init