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Paul is camping

Solution Considerations

I chose Vuetify component library for this solution because it has very good documentation. Also Vue JS comes with 1st party state-management and router libraries thus reducing boiler plate code by a LOT.

My solution is responsive, should be mobile/tablet/computer friendly. I also added dark mode for accesibility.

I saved all my backend api logic in a central store. This way its easy to share data across components. Mutations are synchronous while Actions are async.

Known Trade-Offs

I purposely didn't write this code in TS to save on time. I also didn't give user feedback in-case the api-call fails, though error is being caught and logged into the console. I only spent only one night to implement this, only a basic unit test is included. No e2e has been made.

Solution Description

Spinners are going to be shown while fetching backend data.

  1. The home page will contain the high level statistics. Data will be fetched when the component is created.
  2. A card will displayed for each survey, with a link to the navigate to a detailed route.
  3. Whenever we reach the "details" route, app will fetch detailed data. Data will be stored in the central store. If end-user "refreshes" the page whilst on this route, the app will alert the user to go back to home page to select a survey.
  4. In the details page, expansion panels are used to show/hide the questions under each theme. Convenience buttons to expand/collapse all questions are provided.
  5. Ratings are converted to 5-stars for visual appeal, the exact figure will be shown when you hover on the star graphics.
  6. I modularized my components wherever I can to keep the code clean.

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Run your unit tests

npm run test:unit

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.