Light & Fast logger provider with simple performance measurements for Xamarin.Forms apps with additional extension for Visual Stuido
Example of usage:
Logger.SetProvider(new AndroidLogger()); // Initalize Logger
Logger.Start(out var reference); // Start Measuring time
Logger.Step(reference); // Lets make step and see how long its take
Logger.Step(reference); // Lets make another step and see how long its take
Logger.Stop(reference); // stop measuring
Logger.WriteLine("HelloWriteLine"); // you can also use WriteLine
This will give you this bjuːtɪfʊl output
01:52:34.693 MainActivity.cs:19 OnCreate() T:1. Start
01:52:34.833 MainActivity.cs:23 OnCreate() T:1. Step 139 ms.
01:52:34.892 MainActivity.cs:26 OnCreate() T:1. Step 198 ms.
01:52:35.150 MainActivity.cs:29 OnCreate() T:1. Stop 456 ms.
01:52:35.151 MainActivity.cs:31 OnCreate() T:1. HelloWriteLine
Real life example
Visual Studio Extension available here:
To use VisualStudio Extension you need to initalize logger with AndroidLoggerProvider.