Spraix: making animated sprites with power of Stable Diffusion.
Powered by Google TPU Research Cloud.
To make animated sprites easily with the power of Stable Diffusion.
Currently I’m focused on other projects. The latest model was trained for ~48 hours on Google TPU v3-8 with this dataset variation containing only 9 frames of sprite animation. Model is available on the Hugging Face spraix_sdxl_9frames_25epochs
The next idea would include creating a better dataset which doesn't contain so much blank space. My dataset contains mostly gray background and I think this is a very big problem. When i'm back to this project i would like to experiment with different approaches.
- This repository is fat because I pushed the training dataset and evaluation output, so keep in mind that cloning might take a while. I know it's bad, but this is my hobby project and sometimes I use the shortcuts.
- This fine tuned model is far from perfect, It generates very, very ugly images. You can see them here (Be patient, this is 90 MB image!)
- Gather data
- Label data
- Make training dataset
- Scripts that can transform raw data sprites into dataset that Stable Diffusion models can be trained on
- training SDXL with FLAX framework train_text_to_image_flax_sdxl.py
- Fine tune SDXL with my training
- Fix bugs in training data
- Make comparison of each epoch
- Share your failures with world - I started the blog https://pawkanarek.github.io/post/2024/01/26/intro.html
Other projects :)
- Different approach: Don't try to make sprite animations from a single image, make a video from image - that sounds like animation! https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/stable-video-diffusion-img2vid-xt
- LoRA training with FLAX
- Write the script to transform single image into sprite animation
- install python dependencies with
pip install -r requirements.txt
- You can run interference with text_to_image.py
- You can run fine tuning with train_text_to_image_flax_sdxl.py with params:
--pretrained_model_name_or_path='stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0' --train_data_dir='train_data_1024_best_96/' --resolution=1024 --center_crop --train_batch_size=4 --mixed_precision='bf16' --num_train_epochs=16 --learning_rate=1e-05 --max_grad_norm=1 --output_dir='spraix_sdxl_best_96_16'
- This repository is fat because I attached interference images from each training step
- You can make a train dataset with make_train_data.py but you would have to manually download all the assets mentioned in
Training Data
Special thanks to the skilled sprite animation creators, contributing to the training dataset for this project.
- Train images 0.png - 6.png thanks to https://oisougabo.itch.io/gap-i
- Train images 7.png - 21.png thanks to https://szadiart.itch.io/2d-soulslike-character
- Train images 22.png - 29.png thanks to https://admurin.itch.io/mega-admurins-freebies
- Train images 30.png - 37.png thanks to https://astrobob.itch.io/arcane-archer
- Train images 38.png - 43.png thanks to https://penusbmic.itch.io/sci-fi-character-pack-10
- Train images 44.png - 44.png thanks to https://creativekind.itch.io/gif-bloodmoon-tower-free
- Train images 45.png - 51.png thanks to https://clembod.itch.io/bringer-of-death-free
- Train images 52.png - 71.png thanks to https://admurin.itch.io/mega-admurins-freebies
- Train images 72.png - 97.png thanks to https://assetbakery.itch.io/2d-fighter-3
- Train images 98.png - 102.png thanks to https://ansimuz.itch.io/dancing-girl-sprites
- Train images 103.png - 126.png thanks to https://chierit.itch.io/elementals-leaf-ranger
- Train images 127.png - 141.png thanks to https://chierit.itch.io/elementals-fire-knight
- Train images 142.png - 157.png thanks to https://chierit.itch.io/elementals-water-priestess
- Train images 158.png - 162.png thanks to https://luizmelo.itch.io/evil-wizard
- Train images 163.png - 167.png thanks to https://penusbmic.itch.io/monster-pack-i
- Train images 168.png - 169.png thanks to https://foozlecc.itch.io/void-environment-pack
- Train images 170.png - 175.png thanks to https://xyezawr.itch.io/gif-free-pixel-effects-pack-6-forks-of-flame
- Train images 176.png - 183.png thanks to https://luizmelo.itch.io/hero-knight-2
- Train images 184.png - 191.png thanks to https://luizmelo.itch.io/hero-knight
- Train images 192.png - 198.png thanks to https://luizmelo.itch.io/huntress-2
- Train images 199.png - 208.png thanks to https://luizmelo.itch.io/huntress
- Train images 209.png - 216.png thanks to https://luizmelo.itch.io/martial-hero-2
- Train images 217.png - 225.png thanks to https://luizmelo.itch.io/martial-hero-3
- Train images 226.png - 233.png thanks to https://luizmelo.itch.io/martial-hero
- Train images 234.png - 242.png thanks to https://luizmelo.itch.io/medieval-king-pack-2
- Train images 243.png - 252.png thanks to https://luizmelo.itch.io/medieval-warrior-pack-2
- Train images 253.png - 261.png thanks to https://luizmelo.itch.io/medieval-warrior-pack-3
- Train images 262.png - 278.png thanks to https://admurin.itch.io/pixel-character-horse-rider
- Train images 279.png - 279.png thanks to https://mattwalkden.itch.io/free-robot-warfare-pack
- Train images 280.png - 294.png thanks to https://szadiart.itch.io/rocky-world-platformer-set
- Train images 295.png - 298.png thanks to https://penusbmic.itch.io/characterpack1
- Train images 299.png - 302.png thanks to https://penusbmic.itch.io/monster-pack-i
- Train images 303.png - 311.png thanks to https://darkpixel-kronovi.itch.io/undead-executioner
- Train images 312.png - 319.png thanks to https://luizmelo.itch.io/wizard-pack
- Train images 320.png - 324.png thanks to https://chierit.itch.io/boss-demon-slime
- Train images 325.png - 384.png thanks to https://scrabling.itch.io/pixel-isometric-tiles
- Train images 385.png - 389.png thanks to https://rili-xl.itch.io/cultist-priest-pack
- Train images 390.png - 405.png thanks to https://arks.itch.io/dino-characters
- Train images 406.png - 419.png thanks to https://chierit.itch.io/elementals-leaf-ranger
- Train images 420.png - 423.png thanks to https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-maskman
- Train images 424.png - 428.png thanks to https://penusbmic.itch.io/monster-pack-i
- Train images 429.png - 431.png thanks to https://bdragon1727.itch.io/free-trap-platformer
- Train images 432.png - 559.png thanks to https://github.com/YingzhenLi/Sprites