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PEcAn 1.4.3: Improved web accessibility, database sync, meteorology processing. New R vignettes.

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@dlebauer dlebauer released this 23 Jul 03:43
· 17578 commits to master since this release



  • Brown Dog support for processing NARR meteorology in the cloud. You can now run any model for any location in North America without having to download and process 1/2 TB of data!
  • Ability to run sensitivity, uncertainty, and ensemble analyses 100% through web interface
  • Ability to run MCMC model-data fusion through pecan.xml 'advanced edit', rather than R command line
  • VM now comes with Brown Dog enabled
  • output from web is now writeable (request by @ankurdesai)


  • now uses transactions (#563) for more stable syncs
  • TEST at Brookhaven National Lab now part of PEcAn database sync network
  • Numerous updates to support new BETY database constraints

Analysis Modules

  • New vignettes for the RTM, photosynthesis, allometry, and priors modules
  • New documentation/tutorials
  • Changed names of output files to be more informative (#534, #507)
  • The RTM module can simulate from and perform a Bayesian (Metropolis-Hastings) inversion of PROSPECT versions 4, 5, and 5B and PROSAIL (single canopy layer). The inversion can also accommodate custom priors (so far, only normal and lognormal) and preset constants (i.e. inversions can be performed on all parameters, or only a subset of unknown parameters if some are known). The inversion process has been rewritten in Fortran to facilitate addition of new models. In addition, users can perform a much slower inversion with fully customizable models and priors (passed as function arguments).

Data Modules

  • rh2qair now accepts pressure as an argument, rewritten to be consistent with qair2rh (#518, #528)
  • fixes to NARR & PalEON conversions
  • support for FACE MIP meteorology


  • DALEC: greatly expanded set of supported parameters, priors
  • LINKAGES: updates to support code development
  • ED2:
    • update ED2IN for r46 (#537)
    • update model2netcdf for latest ED2 code on Github
  • CLM4.5: Initial stub for interface modules. Working with Dan Ricciuto to get CLM4.5 on the VM for PEcAn 1.4.4


  • Ubuntu users: OS v >= 14.04 is required to support nco with netcdf4