This is a set of command-line executables used to process CT scans of the upper airway. Major components include:
- ConvertDICOMTONRRD - a DICOM-to-NRRD file converter that resamples images to an orthgonal grid aligned with the major axes.
- ComputeLaplaceSolution - a utility to compute the Laplace solution to the heat flow equation through a segmented object initialized with temperature boundary conditions. This can be used to compute a centerline through a tube-like object.
- ComputeHeatContours - a utility to compute isocontours through a heat image produced by ComputeLaplaceSolution. These are used to determine the airway centerline and tangent.
- ComputeLBMBoundaries - a utility to compute an image with inflow and outflow boundary conditions needed by Sorin Mitran's Lattice-Boltzmann fluid solver.
- ConvertPolyDataToImage - given a VTK polygonal mesh file, converts it to a binary image where voxels inside the mesh have one value and voxels outside the mesh have another value.
- ConvertSpheres - utility that converts ParaView state files with spherical Clip filters (used to clip away air in the mouth that is included with the segmentation) to a simple text format.
- ExtractCrossSections - given a full set of cross sections, extracts those nearest a set of given points.
- RemoveSphere - clips an image file and VTK polygonal data file by a sphere of a given size.
- ResampleImage - resamples an image to a given size and spacing. The interpolation method can be set at run time.
- SplitEpiglottisCrossSection - reads files produced by ExtractCrossSections and a landmark file to split a cross section associated with the epiglottis tip into two components, one that is front of the epiglottis tip and one that is behind. Writes these different components to separate VTP files and also writes a small text file with the area of the front section on the first line and the area of the back section on the second line.
- ThresholdLaplaceSolution - given a heat flow image generated by ComputeLaplaceSolution, thesholds only the valid region.
The easiest way to use these tools is via the workflow defined in the Workflow directory. To use it, set your PYTHONPATH to include the directory to the steady package (available at Modify the paths at the top of to point to your local AirwaysDatabase. Then run
python <scan ID>
where <scan ID> is the ID of the scan.
This will segment the airway and run cross section analysis on the resulting segmentation.
- VTK with the VTK_Group_Imaging module ON
- ITK with Module_ITKVtkGlue ON and VTK_DIR set to the VTK build directory
- SlicerExecutionModel
- AirwaySegmenter (