A Python library for stitching multiple configuration sources together in order or priority.
The intention of this library is to provide a type, CombinedConfig
, that represents all of the
configuration options for a Python project in a format conversant with Python's
modules. A CombinedConfig
represents an ordering in which ingested configuration values should be searched, and optional
default values for configuration values that have not been provided. A CombinedConfig
instantiated with one or more ConfigVar
instances, which present fields corresponding to those
provided to
import configparser
from combined_config import CombinedConfig, ConfigVar
my_config = CombinedConfig(
ConfigVar(name="arg_with_default", shortname="a", default="my default"),
ConfigVar(name="switch", action="store_true", default=False, help="Turns on the frobnicator"),
ConfigVar(name="no_default", type=int),
# You can create a `ArgumentParser` from the `CombinedConfig`.
parser = my_config.make_parser()
parsed = parser.parse_args(["-a", "other value", "--no-default", "10", "--switch"])
# Appending a config gives it lower priority than those already added.
print(my_config.values.arg_with_default) # => other value
print(my_config.values.no_default) # => 10
print(my_config.values.switch) # => True
config_parser = ConfigParser()
config_parser.read({"my_section": {"no_default": 35}})
# Example contents of "some-other-conf.ini"
# [my_section]
# no_default = 35
# Prepending a config gives it higher priority than those already added.
print(my_config.values.no_default) # => 35
# We can also add dictionaries.
my_config.prepend({"arg_with_default": "another other value"})
print(my_config.values.arg_with_default) # => another other value
Commonly, you'll want to be able to easily read and write the configuration from/to file. This can
be done with a subclass of CombinedConfig
that also subclasses FileBackedConfigMixin
from combined_config import CombinedConfig, ConfigVar, FileBackedConfigMixin
class MyBackedConfig(CombinedConfig, FileBackedConfigMixin):
# Should be a mapping of ini section names to the `ConfigVar` names that will be stored there.
# Special value `"__ALL__"` means all keys.
ini_section_names = {"my_section": "__ALL__"}
filename = "/tmp/my-config.ini"
my_config = MyBackedConfig(
ConfigVar(name="arg_with_default", shortname="a", default="my default"),
ConfigVar(name="switch", action="store_true", default=False, help="Turns on the frobnicator"),
ConfigVar(name="no_default", type=int),
# Load the config from file.
my_config.prepend({"switch": True})
# Write the config back to file. Only configuration values that differ from their defaults will be
# written.