A github application for finding and alerting on newly created public repositories for GitHub users who are part of a GitHub organization.
- Create and install a GitHub application to your organization.
- The GitHub application requires only one permission: Organization permissions > Members (Read-Only).
- Download the private PEM file needed for JWT token creations.
- Update the config.json file (see sample file) with the PEM file location and installation ID.
- For a single instance on a single organization, add to config.json the GitHub organization and a slack webhook for notifications.
- Create a new slack app
- Goto Incoming Webhooks and create a new hook
- Optional add a mongodb parameters for storing notifications.
- run
pip install -r requirements.txt
"key_file": "./conf/private-key.pem",
"github_app_id": "1111111",
"installs": [
"org": "ORG_NAME",
"slack_web_hook": "https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXX"
"use_mongo": false,
"mongodb_conn": "mongodb://.......", // relevant only if use_mongo is true, can be removed otherwise
"mongodb_db": "DB name" // relevant only if use_mongo is true, can be removed otherwise
The following command will run a single scan and stop
python main.py once
The following command will run forever, scanning repos immediatly, followed by a scan every 30 minutes.
python main.py
docker build --tag gitapp .
docker run -d gitapp