An extensive Bash script which interfaces with Banshee via the default command line arguments to provide various services
Current features:
- On-demand popup of now-playing information, similar in format to that provided by the Notification Area Icon community extension
- Absolute and relative ranking changes to current track
On GNOME 3.16 (Dark Theme) the notifications provided by banshee-wrapper will look something like:
Figure 1: Display default
Figure 2: Display during mouse hover
The script requires the following packages and libraries:
- notify-send
Clone the repository with
$ git clone
Copy the banshee-wrapper file to your directory of choice. ~/.local/bin/ is a good one, if that's on your $PATH. Make the script executable with
$ chmod +x banshee-wrapper
The program accepts the following flags and arguments:
-n : Display a notify-send notification with information on the currently-playing track rating, number, title, artist, and album
The album art shown in this notification is sourced from the Banshee media art cache
-r [+|-]x : Set the current track rating to x, or increase/decrease it by x (note: Banshee ratings range from 0 to 5)