Releases: PhonePe/PhonePePayment
Releases · PhonePe/PhonePePayment
PhonePePayment 4.0.3
- Add check availability for the PhonePe Payments
PhonePePayment 4.0.2
- OCP Added
- Support more schemas (ppemerchantsdkv4, ppemerchantsdkv5)
PhonePePayment 4.0.1
- Now support 3 more apps - CRED, AMAZON PAY and BHIM.
PhonePePayment 4.0.0
- Introduced Saved Instruments
- Merchants can link the saved instruments on the checkout page
- Standard Checkout Enhancements
PhonePePayment 3.0.3
- Remove Bitcode
PhonePePayment 3.0.2
- Introduced Checkout flow
- Performance Improvement
PhonePePayment 3.0.1
- Order-Based Payments
- Security Improvement
- Performance Improvement
PhonePePayment 2.7.3
- Optional appId support
- added SPM Support
PhonePePayment 2.7.0
- Intent Support for PayPage
- Introduced getUPIAppsInstalled API
- Removed UAT, UAT_SIMULATION Environment and Introduced SANDBOX Environment for easy integration
PhonePePayment 2.6.2
- Pod Release