Android application for the Comif' association of the Georges Charpak campus of the Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne. This application aims to allow users of the association to view the balance of their account and the products purchased.
The application contains mainly 2 screens :
- The main one which shows the balance of their Comif' account as well as of the amount of depenses of the day/week/month.
- The details of all depenses with date, amount and details of the command (i.e. items purchased)
At the first connexion user must specify the email address linked to the Comif's account previously creted by a Comif member. Then an email should be sent with a link to the reset password
page of the Comif's website. There the user can set it's password to log into the app.
Go back to the app and log using the email address and your new password.