In the context of deltaV, we've integrated an agent that leverages AI to generate images directly from text inputs. This agent uses the stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0
API for image generation and imgbb
for temporary image storage.
To interact with the APIs, set up the necessary URLs and keys:
AGENT_MAILBOX_KEY =os.getenv("AGENT_MAILBOX_KEY")#get the key from agentverse
IMG_BB_API_URL = ""#get the url from your imgbb
IMG_BB_API_KEY = os.getenv("IMG_BB_KEY")#get the key from imgbb
HUGGING_FACE_KEY=os.getenv("HUGGING_FACE_KEY")#get the key from Hugging face
Configure the agent responsible for image generation:
seed="alice recovery phrase",
mailbox="your_mailbox_id@", # Replace with your actual mailbox ID
Below are fields that display a range of images generated by our agent: