This is the database of the colors for the brands used in We compiled an original list of 160 brands with more than 200 colors for our color tool. With it, we hope to provide more information to designers to aid them in their color choices.
Feel free to add more brand colors to this list!
You can easily search for colors used by various brands here: Below are some examples the database in action:
- (single color)
- (multiple primary colors)
- (multiple primary colors)
- (color used by multiple brands)
##Adding a brand
Fork this branch
Fill in the template below and append it to the end of
- At the very least, you need to have
and onecolors-primary
- Colors should be in hexadecimal format without '#' symbol
- Bonus points for tracking down their elusive branding guidelines page
- Remember to add commas to the trailing } of the brand before your's!
"name": "",
"url-branding": "",
"url-web": "",
"url-logo": "logos/",
"year-start": "",
"year-end": "",
"notes": "",
"colors-primary": [
"colors-secondary": [
Find a high-resolution image of the company's logo and include it in
folder. PNG and SVG are preferred over JPEG. -
Submit a pull request!
##Improvements and Bugs
Please feel free to open a new issue if you notice that there are colors that are wrong. We welcome your suggestions or any other bugs which you may have come across.
You are welcome to create your own little project based on this colors database! We would appreciate a link back here!