Micro is a framework for distributed systems development in the Cloud and beyond.
Micro addresses the key requirements for building distributed systems. It leverages the microservices architecture pattern and provides a set of services which act as the building blocks of a platform. Micro deals with the complexity of distributed systems and provides simpler programmable abstractions to build on.
The framework is composed of the following features:
Server: A distributed systems runtime server composed of building block services which abstract away the underlying infrastructure and provide a programmable abstraction layer. Authentication, configuration, messaging, storage and more built in.
Client: Multiple entrypoints through which you can access your services. Write services once and access them through every means you've already come to know. An API Gateway, gRPC proxy, slack bot, web dashboard and commmand line interface.
Library: A Go library which makes it drop dead simple to write your services without having to piece together lines and lines of boilerplate. Auto configured and initialised by default, just import and get started quickly.
Plugins: Micro is runtime and infrastructure agnostic. Each underlying building block service uses the Go Micro standard library to provide a pluggable foundation. We make it simple to use by pre-initialising of local use and the cloud.
Install from source
go get github.com/micro/micro/v2
Using a docker image
docker pull micro/micro
Latest release binaries
# MacOS
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/micro/micro/master/scripts/install.sh | /bin/bash
# Linux
wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/micro/micro/master/scripts/install.sh -O - | /bin/bash
# Windows
powershell -Command "iwr -useb https://raw.githubusercontent.com/micro/micro/master/scripts/install.ps1 | iex"
Run the server locally
micro server
Create a service
# generate a service (follow instructions in output)
micro new helloworld
# set to use server
micro env set server
# run the service
micro run helloworld
# list services
micro services
# call a service
micro call helloworld Helloworld.Call '{"name": "John"}'
See all the options
micro --help
See the docs for detailed information on the architecture, installation and use of the platform.
Micro is Apache 2.0 Licensed