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BookLearning is an E-Commerce MachineLearning project for selling books online with custom services to the users. It is built using MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js, and React) and utilizes various additional technologies such as Validator, Bcrypt, Body-parser, Cors, Flask, Data Mining, Nodemon, Dotenv, React Router, react router dom, and Toastify. This project is primarily a learning project aimed at strengthening understanding of the MERN stack and data science concepts. The goal of this project is to provide a personalized experience to the users while purchasing books online.
Project Creators- Piyush Arora ( & Tisha(
Note: This project requires MongoDB to be installed and running locally or a remote MongoDB connection to be configured in the .env file. Format for dotenv JWT_Secret = "" JWT_Expire = 2d URL = ""
Fork the repository and create a new branch for your feature or bug fix. Make your changes and test them thoroughly. Submit a pull request to the master branch of the original repository. Provide a detailed description of your changes and the rationale behind them. License This project is licensed under the MIT License, which allows for free use, modification, and distribution.
Contact Information If you have any questions, feedback, or issues with this project, please contact [your email address] or visit [your project website] for more information.
Acknowledgements This project utilizes various open-source libraries, APIs, and resources, and we would like to acknowledge and give credit to their respective authors and organizations for their contributions to this project. *The Project Uses Font Awesome ( and StorySet ( for resources
We hope you find this project helpful for strengthening your grasp on the MERN stack and data science concepts, and we appreciate your interest and support!