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BackOffice + API Generator 2020 with less code for Mobile Application for Mobile Developer without Experience and for Big project that want a Good Architecture with Less Developers Your Front End Developer can be a FullStack Web Developer with this Architecture with one language (TS) for API (LoopBack4) and Front End (Angular)


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Sample Example BackOffice And API Generator 2020

Less Code and Flexible Architecture for a Mobile Developer who want to develop Web Easily , for companies who want an easy architecture that save money and time No more need for Back End Developer at 2020, Only Need a Front End Developer If you have a Web Application If you want only an API (Web Services & BackOffice) no need for neither a Front End Developer or a BackEnd Developer you can just CLic on Watch & Star We will Share many UseCases that simplify Web Development after this Web Development will be a peace of cake.

React Admin and Loopback 4 Crud Sample

Getting started

This is a sample with a React Admin and Loopback4 to implement Crud operations on products and users by requesting APIs with LoopBack4 Provider that you can install with npm install react-admin-loopback4-adapted.


Install node v12.18.3 with nvm

follow the instructions to get node in your local machine sudo apt install curl, curl | bash, source ~/.profile , nvm install v12.18.3, nvm use v12.18.3.

Install npm

install the node package manager with the command sudo apt install npm, and check the npm version with npm -v.

Setting up mongoDb

install mongoDb from the official website and follow the guide to get the final release MongoDB 4.4.

note : if an error occur when you try to open the mongodb console with the command mongo check if the mongod.service is in active state with the command sudo systemctl status mongod.service , you can activate the mongod.service with the command sudo systemctl start mongod.service, if you want to activate mongod.service automatically on startup of ubuntu use the following commands: sudo systemctl enable mongod.service then sudo systemctl start mongod.service.

Setting up mongodb Compass

install mongodb Compass from the official website and follow instructions to get it on your local machine.this tool helps you to manage easily your database.

Install the dependencies

After cloning the project with git clone get inside the ecommerce folder in both Frontreactadmin and BackendLoopbackV4 folders and install the node packages with the commande npm install.

Launching the apps

in this project we tried to reduce complexity for you to get both the frontend server and the backend server in the same local machine to do this we force the binding port of the Loopback4 server to 3001 in the LoopBack4ReactAdminExample/BackendLoopbackV4/ecommerce/src/index.ts file:

const app = new EcommerceApplication({
    rest: {
      port: 3001

this is because you cant bind two processes to the same [IP:PORT] , in our case the binding IP is it's known as localhost , this setup will causeCORS blocks by you navigator,to solve this problem we use the integrated node proxy by adding this line "proxy": "http://localhost:3001" in the LoopBack4ReactAdminExample/Frontreactadmin/ecommerce/package.json:

 . ,
  "proxy": "http://localhost:3001", // <~~~ here we add the proxy field in package.json

Start the servers

after setting up the changes that we mention in the previous section we start turning the servers and discover how easy is to create and modify or delete a product or a user

I- Start the Backend server

get in LoopBack4ReactAdminExample/BackendLoopbackV4/ecommerce and run the command npm start

> node -r source-map-support/register .

Server is running at http://[::1]:3001
Try http://[::1]:3001/ping

II- Start the Frontend server

get in the LoopBack4ReactAdminExample/Frontreactadmin/ecommerce and run the command npm start

Compiled successfully!

You can now view ecommerce in the browser.

  Local:            http://localhost:3000
  On Your Network:

Note that the development build is not optimized.
To create a production build, use npm run build.


III- Test your application

copy this link http://localhost:3000 to your browser to get in the react admin app and start managing the products and users.

The application file app.js

in the react admin application the src/app.js is exported to the entry point src/index.js where node start resolving and mapping the imports and exports, look at the top of the index.js file to see the import of App function:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import './index.css';
import App from './App';
import * as serviceWorker from './serviceWorker';

inside the app.js you will find all what you want to know about how the application resolve the items from APIs by importing the module react-admin-loopback4-adapted and instantiate an object from
the lb4Provider that takes as a @param the url to the backend server http://localhost:3001:

const dataProvider = lb4Provider('http://localhost:3001');

This is the content of app.js

import * as React from 'react';
import { Admin, Resource } from 'react-admin'
import PostIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Book'
import './App.css';

import Dashboard from './dashboard'
import { ProductList, ProductCreate, Productedit } from './productlist'
import { Userlist, Useredit, Usercreate } from './user'

import lb4Provider from 'react-admin-loopback4-adapted'

const dataProvider = lb4Provider('http://localhost:3001');

const App = () => (
  <Admin dataProvider={dataProvider} dashboard={Dashboard}>
    <Resource name="products" list={ProductList} create={ProductCreate}
      edit={Productedit} icon={PostIcon} />
    <Resource name="users" list={Userlist} edit={Useredit}
      create={Usercreate} />
export default App;

note In this sample the authentication is not integrated we will complete it in the next tutorial

note To Learn more about React Admin please follow this link :


if you have any question or you want to have advantage of our services please contact us

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Phone : 00216 26 410 947
Phone : +33 970 440 431


BackOffice + API Generator 2020 with less code for Mobile Application for Mobile Developer without Experience and for Big project that want a Good Architecture with Less Developers Your Front End Developer can be a FullStack Web Developer with this Architecture with one language (TS) for API (LoopBack4) and Front End (Angular)








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