Inspired by our learning group - Let Den Giac Mo.
Thanks to all contributors, you're awesome and this project could not be possible without you! The goal is to build a web-application for goal-progress tracking:
To be updated...
- C# v9.0
- .Net 5.0
- Entity Framework Core
- PostgreSQL
- Automapper
- ElasticSearch
- NLog
- xUnit, moq, FluentAssertions
Please carefully read the pre-defined coding standards and naming conventions then apply them while development.
Planthor Coding Standards and Naming Conventions
- Visual Studio Code (recommended)
- .Net Core SDK (v5.0)
- PostgreSQL v13.2
- Restore nuget packages:
dotnet restore
- Install Entity Framework Core:
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
- After restoring the pre-defined packages and installig EF Core successfully, please try to build the project using the following command:
dotnet build
- For development purpose, run Postgre SQL (start pgAdmin) on your personal device.
- Then navigate to appsettings.json and replace the database credentials with your credetials and excute this command:
dotnet ef database update
Wait until the process completes, check if the database is created successfully.
In case you want to make new Updates (Migrations) to database, run command:
dotnet ef migrations add <Name of Migration Record>
dotnet ef database update
- Open the solution in Visual Studio Code
- Execute
dotnet run -p src/PlanthorWebApiServer.csproj
- Access to the adress provided in the command line
To Test the project
dotnet test