Utility for cheating tasks on computer graphics at the Polytechnic University. It is an electron browser with additional scripts for receiving task solutions.
This project was created for entertainment purposes only. The author does not bear any responsibility for you. Do this at your own peril and risk.
Поддержать проект можно тут
- Launch the application
- Log in to openedu (none of your data is stolen)
- Select the task, then the Scam button will appear on the page. Click on it and get the answer to the back.
- Click Paste In Editor, then Check Result.
- Great! You are awesome!
If you don't see the scam button or have some other problem, try refreshing the page (ctrl+r or f5). In most cases, it solves the problem.
If this does not help you, create a issue and describe your problem. Also attach the log file (ctrl+shift+i opens devtools)
Download the archive from the releases or build it yourself (required npm):
git clone https://github.com/vitekkor/computer_graphics_scam
cd computer_graphics_scam
npm install
npm run start - just launch
npm run package - create application package
- Cheating code for 3d modeling.
- Simple mutations of this code
- Cheating control tests