This library was creating to abstract the LQIP – Low Quality Image Placeholders technique used by Medium and Instagram to Angular apps. The code was implemented inspired by this awesome codepen made by @JMPerez.
And we used RandomUser API to make our tests in development environment.
First, we load the image with low quality and it is really fast. So, the user who have a slow internet can see a preview of what is coming. Then, we load the same image, but, with a high quality.
It is a short explanation of how this technique works, if you want to know more, just visit the links above!
To install this library, run:
$ npm install @pluritech/ng-image-preview --save
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
// Import the library
import { NgImagePreviewModule } from '@pluritech/ng-image-preview';
declarations: [
imports: [
// Specify the library as an import
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
Once the library is imported, you can use image-preview component in your Angular application:
<div *ngFor="let picture of pictures">
Parameter | Description |
lowImage | low image url |
hqImage | high quality image url |
paddingBottom | a padding-bottom value, to prevent the reflow, default is 66.6% |
fallbackSrc | a path to fallback image the will replace the hqImage if occur an error on load |
bgPlaceholder | a background-color value to fill the placeholder 'container' |
filterLowImage | a filter value to image small like 'blur(10px)'. Default is 'blur(20px)' |
alt | a value 'alt' to both, low image and high image |
title | a value 'title' to both, low image and high image |
- Manage images in cache
Feel free to make your pull request.
- 1.1.1 - Now you can use the operator Elvis to load data async, without the needed of use the *ngIf
- Lucas Corrẽa:
- Luis Moreno:
- Mateus Durâes: