A table responsive component for your angular project.
$ npm install @pluritech/ng2-responsive-table --save
Then, import Ng2TableModule
import { Ng2TableModule } from '@pluritech/ng2-responsive-table';
and add it into your AppModule
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
This library depends of bootstrap styles, so, ensure that is correctly installed and imported.
In your component template, do the following:
<ng-table [data]="data"></ng-table>
So, in the typescript you will need:
public data: TableContent = {
columns: [
{id: 'name', name: 'Name', width: '50%'},
{id: 'age', name: 'Age'}
rows: [
{ data: { name: 'Mateus', age: '23' }},
{ data: { name: 'Lucas', age: '26'}}
actions: [
{name: 'Add Something', class: 'btn btn-primary', icon: 'fa fa-plus',
condition: row => {
console.log('condition', row);
return true;
disabled: row => {
console.log('disabled', row);
return true;
handler: row => {
console.log('handler', row);
The columns of the table receive each an id. This id, has to be used in the rows to fill the table correctly. The actions columns, receive the following
Field | Description |
name | Text of the button |
class | css class name to be applied to button |
icon | css class name icon to be applied to button |
condition | a function which receives a row and returns a boolean indicating whether this current action button should be displayed |
disabled | a function which receives a row and determines whether this current action button should be disabled |
handler | a function who can receive the row and will be executed when the button is clicked |
You can also set noRowsMsg to show when no there data on table. Default is: Nenhum registro exibido
If you need a column of checkbox in your table, where, the table header of this column will mark all registers you can do the following:
columns: [
{id: '', name: '', checkbox: {singleName: 'Marcar'}},
{id: 'name', name: 'Name'},
{id: 'age', name: 'Age'}
the singleName property is the label of every checkbox on mobile screen. To get all the changes in the selected rows, you'll need to pass a function to the following two outputs properties:
<ng-table [data]="data"
Event | Description |
selectedChange | Will fire every time a single row change the selected status. The event will send the array with selecteds rows |
selectedChangeAll | Will fire every time the table header button change the selected status. The event will send the array with selecteds rows and a boolean indicating if isAllSelected or not. |
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