Related Programs:
- Egg Fetcher
- Egg Hatcher (this program)
- Egg Autonomous
Hatch boxes of Pokémon.
- Text Speed: Fast
- Give Nicknames: Off
- Place eggs you would like to hatch in consecutive boxes. Set the current box as the first of those boxes.
- Boxes don't need to be full and don't need to have only eggs. This program will automatically skip empty slots and non-egg Pokémon.
- Boxes need to use the default wallpaper, Wallpaper 1.
- You have only one Pokémon in the party. Preferrably one with Flame Body ability.
- Go to a place with no wild Pokémon or NPCs. You can choose Zero Gate flying spot if you have unlocked the flying spot on map (see image below). Otherwise you can still use the Zero Gate area if you can climb over the mountain to reach there.
- Start the program in game.
The options here are self-explanatory.
- Author: Gin
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