- Use the numpad to enter a number between 1 and 15 to make your first move.
- Use the arrow keys to move around the board and avoid the mines.
By default, the game has the following settings:
- Difficulty level: Medium (7% mines)
- Board size: 15 x 2
- Number of mines: 10
You can change the game settings by editing the appsettings.json file. The following settings are available:
"Length": 10,
"Width": 15,
"Mines": 10
To build the MineGame, you'll need to have .NET 7.0 installed on your system.
- Clone the repository using git clone
- Navigate to the root directory of the project: cd MineGame
- Restore the project dependencies: dotnet restore
- Build the project in release mode: dotnet build -c Release
- Navigate to the MineGame directory: cd MineGame
- Run the game: dotnet run