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iabaako edited this page Jun 21, 2022 · 35 revisions

Welcome to the Data Management System (DMS) wiki! These Stata templates are designed and maintained by the Global Research & Data Support (GRDS) team at Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA). They are designed for population-based survey research and randomized impact evaluations and are intended as Data Quality Assurance tools during data collection.


Jump to: Software Requirements - Installation - Getting Started - Contributing

Software Requirements

The current version of Data Management System (DMS) templates (version 4.0) is only available for Stata 17.0 or later. Therefore, the user must have Stata 17.0 or later installed on their machine prior to running the DMS templates. IPA employees with older versions of Stata should contact IT for access to a newer version.


The DMS templates rely on a series of user-written Stata commands. These commands have been compiled in a single Stata package (ipacheck) for convenience. To install, open Stata and enter the following code:

* install ipacheck
net install ipacheck, from("") replace
ipacheck update

* after initial installation, ipacheck can be updated at any time via
ipacheck update

Getting Started

  • ado - this folder contains Stata commands source code
  • data - this folder contains sample datasets
  • do - this folder contains Stata do-file samples
  • excel - this folder contains excel forms and examples
  • images - this folder image files used in wiki
  • mlib - this folder contains stata do-file for creating mata library
  • sthlp - this folder contains stata help files


If you'd like to contribute to developing the high-frequency-checks repository, contact [email protected] to obtain the proper privileges.

To clone the repository to your local directory, open a terminal window and enter the following:

git clone

Note: you must have the git version control system software installed on your machine.

To begin development you must first checkout your own branch of the repository. A branch is a separate instance of the code source that you can edit without affecting the master. To learn more about branching see here. To checkout a branch type the following in the terminal from the DMS directory.

git checkout -b yourbranchname

It helps to use an expressive branch name so people will understand what changes you are working on. For instance, if the purpose of the development is to fix issue #5 you might name your branch fix5.

Clone this wiki locally