Shirts 4 Mike is an e-commerce Tea shirt store
Welcome to Shirts 4 Mike
Description : Shirts 4 mike is an e-commerce online shopping application , built with PHP. integrated with PayPal. This application allows the users to buy their favorite tea shirts available on the site. Currently this application is only ment to sell Tea shirts alone. This application allows the customers to purchage their favorite tea shirts in different sizes. Upon the successful shopping , customers will be redirected to the PayPal for the secure payment transaction The customer support Contact model is evaluated with phpmailer.
Installation :
This web application was built under windows platform:
Download the xampp server from the open source platform
Install the Sublime tex editor (Optional, but recommended.)
3)Install the xammp server, a directory will be created under C:\xampp\htdocs.
Go to this direcotry C:\xampp\htdocs.
All your files are saved in this directory.
Open the xampp file on the computer and start the server. The server would actually listen on localhost 8080. the ports are 80,443. NOTE: Incase if your 80,443 ports are busy ! please go to your skype and change there. Generally this ports are commonly used by the skype on the windows system.
Once it is done start the server.
Create your PayPal Business account and set up your website information .
Go to Your PayPal account and /myselling tools add the buttons to the site. NOTE: Carefully handle this part.(PayPal)
Keep pushing your code to Github.
Description of contents.
Holds all the specific files related to the project.
Contains all the code related to the contact model.This file also contains specific files related to the customer feedback.
This file holds all the CSS code to handle the front-end design.
Holds all the image files related to the project both front-end/back-end.
It contains some important files related to the products. NOTE: Handle carefully ,because it contains PayPal code and configurations.
It holds the code which gives back a nice little replay to the customer, after successful shopping.
Holds the file related to the search functionality on the site.
Holds the files related to the shirts,configuration and home page of the site.