- vue-microfrontend-architecture
Using the single-spa architecture, we connected 3 VUE applications. Two based on VUE3/TS and One VUE2
Seting up via NPM
Globaly install create-single-spa @npm install --global create-single-spa
Install single spa @create-single-spa with options "single spa root config"
After instalation Create now create-single-spa in root of "single spa root config" but this time chouse option "Single-spa aplication" and instal VUE app
build new app @npm run build
Run http-server on dist folder and add port @http-server . --port 8001 -cors
Go to "single spa root config" and in index.ejs (systemjs-importmap) add new Vue aplication
<script type="systemjs-importmap"> { "imports": { "@single-spa/root-config": "//localhost:9000/app-root-config.js", "@app1/vue3-app1": "http://localhost:8001/js/app.js", } } </script> -
Because of hash name of files (app32532535.js) need to add vue.config.js to root of Vue aplication: vue.config.js
The same proces for other Vue aplications
afterr adding new applications set router in "single spa root config" in file "microfrontend-layout.html"
Issue with Browser: After all steps above open root app in Browser, go on consola and run localStorage.setItem('devtools', true); After that in bottom right corner we will have {}, clicking on them we will see all data of ours apps
CORS error --> resolving with instalation Chrome extension --> https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cors-unblock/lfhmikememgdcahcdlaciloancbhjino?hl=en Chashing issue --> Instal Chrome extension "Clear Cache"
-Router issue - still working
add simple user info from firebase DB so we can work with data beetwin apps
Add websocket servers and logic for communication into vue instance