R Shiny is a framework for building interactive web applications in R. It allows users to create applications that can run locally or be deployed to the web without extensive knowledge of HTML, CSS, or JavaScript.
Basic Structure :
- A Shiny application typically consists of two main components:
- UI (User Interface): Defines the layout and appearance of the app.
- Server: Contains the logic that controls the app's behavior.
File Structure :
- A Shiny app can be structured as a single file (app.R) or as two separate files (ui.R and server.R).
UI Layout Functions :
- Shiny provides various functions to create and organize the UI:
- fluidPage(): Creates a fluid layout that adjusts to the browser window.
- sidebarLayout(): Layout with a sidebar and main area.
- titlePanel(), sidebarPanel(), mainPanel(): Define the structure within the fluid page.
- Input controls: sliderInput(), textInput(), selectInput(), etc.
- Output controls: plotOutput(), tableOutput(), textOutput(), etc.
Reactive Expressions :
- Reactivity is a core concept in Shiny. Reactive expressions allow the app to update outputs automatically when inputs change.
- reactive(): Used to create reactive expressions.
- renderPlot(), renderTable(), renderText(): Used to render reactive outputs.
Deploying Shiny Apps :
- Shiny apps can be deployed in several ways:
- Local deployment: Run the app locally using runApp().
- Shiny Server: Host and manage Shiny applications.
- ShinyApps.io: A cloud-based platform for deploying Shiny apps.
- Docker: Containerize Shiny applications for consistent deployment environments.
Best Practices :
- Modularize Code: Keep code organized by using Shiny modules for large applications.
- Error Handling: Use validation and error handling to manage user input.
- Performance Optimization: Optimize app performance by minimizing reactive dependencies and using efficient data structures.
- Styling: Customize the appearance using CSS and HTML tags, or use the shiny themes package for predefined themes.