This repository contains a collection of data science projects and templates that I use to study and improve my skills from DataCamp.
Project Name | Description |
A Visual History of Nobel Prize Winners | Explore a dataset from Kaggle containing a century's worth of Nobel Laureates. Who won? Who got snubbed? |
Amazon S3 Bucket Connection | Connect to files stored in an AWS S3 bucket using the Workspace integrations. |
Data Manipulation with Pandas | How to manipulate DataFrames with Pandas, as you extract, filter, and transform real-world datasets for analysis. |
Exploring the Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Market | Explore the market capitalization of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. |
Investigating Netflix Movies and Guest Stars in The Office | Apply the foundational Python skills by manipulating and visualizing movie and TV data. |
The Android App Market on Google Play | Load, clean, and visualize scraped Google Play Store data to gain insights into the Android app market. |
The GitHub History of the Scala Language | Find the true Scala experts by exploring its development history in Git and GitHub. |
Writing Functions for Product Analysis | Use coding best practices and functions to improve a script! |
- Data Science Cheat Sheet for Business Leaders
- Data Wrangling in Pandas Cheat Sheet
- Importing Data Cheat Sheet
- Matplotlib Cheat Sheet
- NumPy Cheat Sheet
- Pandas Basics Cheat Sheet
- Pandas Cheat Sheet
- PySpark RDD Cheat Sheet
- PySpark SQL Cheat Sheet
- Python Basics Cheat Sheet
- Scikit-Learn Cheat Sheet
- Seaborn Cheat Sheet