Prometheus Deep-Learning OCR Porject
Can be used like this.
!pip install ultralytics
from ultralytics import YOLO
%load_ext autoreload #colab
%autoreload 2 #colab
from table_detection import *
model = YOLO('/content/drive/MyDrive/yolo_re/100ep/') # load a custom model
i= predict(model, '/content/KakaoTalk_20231120_024232761_26.jpg', img_save_name = 'test2')
rectangle(i, '/content/table/test2_0.jpg')
- !pip install timm
- !pip install deskew
* In DocTr/ -> def inference() : there are model paths required for Doctor.
please edit it to your location Absolute path. (the models are in DocTr/model_pretrained/)
This function predicts and crop nutrition table of input image.
Crop box size can be changed by controlling box_size_up, ratio variables.
Cropped image is saved in here : (img_save_dir)/table/(img_save_name)_i
This path can be changes by modifying the codes below.
model (yolo model): YOLO model
img (numpy image): input image
img_save_dir (str, optional): Defaults to './'.
img_save_name (str, optional): Defaults to './test'.
box_size_up (bool, optional): True if use DocTr and need crop box size up. Defaults to False.
box_txt_save_path (str, optional): optinally needed when box_size_up is True. Defaults to './test.txt'.
ratio (float, optional): box size up ratio. Defaults to 0.2.
Returns: i (int): # of cropped image of input. typically one, but can be more if model predicts multiple tables.
This function rotates image straight. If the angle of inclination is less than 10, do not rotate, But if it is more than 10, rotation is applied.
- image (numpy image): Input image
- image_save_path (str): Path to save
- i (int): Box number detected
- Input image(If image rotation is not required) or Deskew image(if image rotation is required) or False(if there is err)
This function unfolds crumpled or round-shaped image.
- Use "DocTr" git (
This functon makes cropped image to rectangular image. Changed image is saved in the same path of cropped image. So, original cropped image is changed and cannot undo the process. Original image's height and width info is saved in json format file.
json file example:
"shape": [
"path": "/content/table/test_0.jpg",
"H": 1280,
"W": 1280
- image (numpy image): Input image
- img_save_path (str): give one of cropped images' path. Defaults to './test_0.jpg'.
- i (int): # of cropped image of input. Defaults to 0. Returns: bool: True if processed correctly. If False, there is no sufficient files to convert. =======
- Front-End : Flutter
- Back-End : Flask
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294fa78 (app)
pip install opencv-python
pip install flask
pip install tensorflow
pip install pillow
pip install --upgrade Werkzeug
pip install flask_cors
pip install Flask-Reuploaded
pip install ultralytics
pip install timm
pip install deskew
pip install opencv-contrib-python
pip install --upgrade google-cloud-vision google-auth