Releases: PublicisSapient/PSknowHOW
Releases · PublicisSapient/PSknowHOW
Beta-8.0.37 for subtask fix
beta-8.0.37 Created VS Resolved Kpi toLowerCase fix.
The release notes for version 12.0.0 of KnowHow, along with features and breaking changes and other details are attached below for your reference. Release Notes.
Compatibility Note:
If you are planning to install KnowHow with Central Authentication, please note that version 2.0.0 of Central Authentication is fully compatible with version 12.0.0 of KnowHow.
GitLab connector change for adding perpage size to property file.
Beta-8.0.29 for created VS resolved lowercase
Beta-8.0.29 for created VS resolved lowercase
jettison jar conflict
beta-11.0.1 Merging 8.0.0 with 11.0.0.
beta-11.0.0 release
beta-11.0.0 release
Merge pull request #1643 from PublicisSapient/DTS-GS_UnplannedDefectFix GS Unplanned defect fix
[v11.0.0] - 2024-10-30
- The release notes for version 11.0.0 of KnowHow, along with features and breaking changes and other details are attached below for your reference. Release Notes.
Compatibility Note:
- If you are planning to install KnowHow with Central Authentication, please note that version 2.0.0 of Central Authentication is fully compatible with version 11.0.0 of KnowHow.
Beta-8.0.26 release
Beta-8.0.26 release: GS| Additional multi-input field for Gitlab tool configuration
The UI iteration field. : psknowhow/ui:GS-8.0.9