The way I typically use mpd is to add all of my songs to a single playlist with random enabled and use mpc with mediakey keyboard shortcuts to control playback.
This works well enough until there is a specific song that I want to listen to, at which point I need to use some other app to find the song.
I have used a few different things in the past to achieve that (rofi + a shell script, ncmpcpp) but none really worked or looked quite how I wanted, so I created this.
Built using the fantastic egui library, this is designed to do this singular task as well as possible (at least to the current limit of my skills)
This is still very much alpha quality, not sure how well it's going to work on other people's setup, feedback greatly appreciated!
mpd (obviously)
clone repo and cd into repo root
run cargo build --release
then sudo cp ./target/release/rinse /usr/local/bin
it is recommended to setup a dedicated keybind in your DE/WM to launch rinse
tab / shift+tab - scroll down/up
ctrl+u - clear search and highlight current song
enter - play selected song
esc - exit
by default this uses the nord base16 colour scheme.
if you wish to change the colours you can download any base16 scheme and then copy it to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/rinse/theme.yaml