How to set-up
- Download the ZIP file of the master branch.
- Copy it to any directory(preferrably C:)
- Unzip the file
- Rename your extracted folder to something simpler(example - 'cpps')
- Open up the cpps folder
- Download NodeJS (
- Once the installation is finished, press Windows Key + R
- Type in 'cmd' and hit enter
- Direct yourself to the cpps folder using the 'cd' command(for me it would be '**cd C:\cpps**')
- Type in npm init and hit enter.
- Keep pressing enter if it asks you any questions.
- Type in npm install express and hit enter. Wait for the installation to happen.
- Type in npm install and hit enter. Wait for the installation to happen.
- Type in cls and hit enter.
- Finally, type in node game.js and the command line window should prompt you with a 'Server started.' message.
- Awesome! Open up a browser and go to localhost:2000 (Remember you can only access this URL from your computer as you are hosting the server so everything is safe!)
The CPPS should start up. Please do note that this is still a work in progress you might have to do this process several times if you want to use the latest commit. Also, if you want to shut down the server, you can press Ctrl + C in the command line window at anytime.
If you wanna play your CPPS with friends and put it up on the web, you can use free services like herokuapp and 000webhost or you could buy a custom VPS for your game. You could even host the server yourself and get a domain name!
A link to my YouTube or GitHub account would be nice! ^_^
Thank you, I hope you have fun making your own little CPPS! -PyxelPranav <3