QAutoLibrary is an extension for RobotFramework and Python, providing automation tools and RPA (Robotic Process Automation) libraries.
QAutoRobot, extensive RPA and test automation library for Robot Framework.
QAutowin, a testing tool for native Windows applications. QAutowin can be used with QAutoRobot.
PythonOCR, Python library of functions for finding and locating words on screen, in image files or PDF files using OCR (Optical Character Recognition).
NOTE: PythonOCR is unreliable at best when finding words in files, and should only be used as an assistance to process files. Usage of other confirmation methods (such as manual reviewing) is adviced, when processing important files!
QAutoLibrary requires Python, and additional libraries depending on which QAutoLibrary modules you want to use.
The library can be installed using pip, or straight from the source code using file.
Extensive and detailed instructions on prerequisites, installing, dependencies, importing and usage, with examples, is provided in file.
QAutoLibrary requires Python 3.7. Include pip with the Python installation, and add Python to PATH.
The library can be installed using pip, or straight from the source code using file. Instructions on how to install from the source files is provided in file, in Installing from Source Files-section.
QAutoLibrary can be downloaded and installed to your local Python libraries, using pip:
pip install --upgrade
QAutoLibrary modules require other library installations, as detailed in the following sections.
NOTE: If you have installed QAutomate tool, the libraries required by QAutoRobot should already be installed.
QAutoRobot modules require the following library installations:
Selenium: pip install selenium
Robot Framework: pip install robotframework
Requests: pip install requests
Pillow: pip install Pillow
LXML: pip install lxml
SimpleJSON: pip install simplejson
pymongo: pip install pymongo
pycryptodome: pip install pycryptodome
Tika: pip install tika
NOTE: See on file, in PythonOCR Dependencies-section, for PythonOCR dependencies' installation instructions.
PythonOCR module requires the following libraries:
pdf2image, with more information at
QAutoLibrary modules can provide additional functionality to Python code or Robot.
Extensive and detailed instructions, with examples, are provided in file, in Usage-section.
To import a QAutoLibrary module to Python code:
from QAutoLibrary import <Module>
To import a class from a module:
from QAutoLibrary.<Module> import <Class>
Module functions can then be used as follows:
Class objects can be instantiated as follows:
<Object> = <Class>()
from QAutoLibrary.QAutoSelenium import CommonMethods
my_methods = CommonMethods()
from QAutoLibrary import PythonOCR
PythonOCR.find_coordinates("Python", "./images/screenshot.png")
QAutoLibrary modules can be imported to QAutoRobot as libraries. Import a module to robot in the Settings field:
*** Settings ***
Library | QAutoLibrary.<Module>
Keywords of the module can then be used in the robot:
*** Test Cases ***
Test Case
| <Module Keyword> | ${<argument1>} | ${<argument2>} | ...
*** Settings ***
Library | QAutoLibrary.QAutowin
*** Tasks ***
Example 1
Open Application | notepad.exe
*** Settings ***
Library | QAutoLibrary.PythonOCR
*** Variables ***
${file} = ./files/test_file.pdf
*** Tasks ***
Example 2
@{results_list} = | Find Words | Python | ${file} | ./output/
Custom Python libraries can be provided to QAutoRobot. QAutoRobot dynamically (during runtime) imports modules located in the robot's 'pagemodel' folder.
Detailed instructions on how to create and use custom Python modules with QAutoRobot can be found in file, in Importing Custom Libraries-section.
- Python 3.7 - Programming language
- Python 2.7 - Programming language Old
- Selenium - Web-testing framework
Add new dependencies to and if it's a library for a specific OS, add that aswell.
ie. 'pywin32; platform_system == "Windows"'
TBA later.
- python sdist bdist_wheel
- python -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
- User: _token_
- Password: token from pypi
- QAutomate Oy - Development - QAutomate Oy
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the file for details